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31st March 2019, 20:58
Hi, Rusty!
I have been talking to my cousin for the past hour........she phoned me about 7.30.
All is well up there, and the family has been out for Mother's Day celebrations!
I'm presuming we get London ITV?
We have ITV channels 1,2,3 and 4.
Yes, "The Voice" so far has been repeated every Sunday on ITV1 (altho it's only listed as ITV)
I do not know whether BGT was ever previously repeated?
I shall check the schedule for next weekend, when I get my new TV guide.
Now...if I had to choose between lighter mornings and lighter evenings ( should BST change) I would opt for lighter mornings!
I like to rise early ......but I do not enjoy doing so when it is still dark outside!
I am not too bothered about the evenings....once I am home for the day, I do not mind what time it grows dark.
Yes, I can say "lichty nichts"!
26501 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st March 2019, 21:09
Hello, Elle!
BGT is normally repeated once or twice.
I can go seven days ahead on my TV programme to see what is on and select the programme to watch and/or record.
I much prefer the lichty nichts.
Better for the children out playing, too.
26502 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st March 2019, 22:22
Hi, Rusty!
But not good if children have to go out to school in the dark mornings?
I guess there are pros and cons for either way.....
Our eldest grandson has had a minor fall, but may have broken his wrist.
I do hope not, but will know more in the morning.
It is feeling chilly now......and I think a colder day is expected tomorrow.
26503 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2019, 00:00
Hello, Elle!
Let's hope your grandson's wrist isn't broken.
Has it been examined by a doctor yet?
I think the temperature here will be on the cool side for a week or so.
We had frost this morning, but it soon warmed up.
And we have had no rainy weather here for a while.
So, no complaints from me!
26504 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2019, 10:55
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a beautiful day here.
Cold, but with blue sky and sunshine.
I had a very enjoyable, brisk, invigorating walk.
No, My grandson has not yet seen a doctor.
Apparently, the fall was on Friday evening......he put out his hand to save himself.
He appeared none the worse at the time, but since then his wrist has become increasingly painful.
My daughter now fears that he might have broken a small bone.....
He will get it checked out to be on the safe side.
Most probably, though, hopefully, it will just be a sprain.
I seem to be chasing my tail today.....I don't know why I am so behind times.....
What are you up to today!
26505 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2019, 11:41
Good morning, Elle!
Fine morning here, too.
I was out for a stroll, too.
Best get the wrist checked, I'd say.
No plans today, other than to fill in some forms and post them.
I've finished my puzzle.
12a is a new word to me.
It is not too difficult today.
26506 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2019, 12:50
Hi, Rusty!
I've been busy with a few household tasks this morning.......and also have some paper work still to catch up on.
We now have the required estimates for the ceiling / wall damage in the dining room/ kitchen, so I need to sort that out, plus some relevant photographs, and then send everything off to the Insurance company.
Hopefully, then things will start to move, and we can begin to get straight again.
I haven't yet looked at the crossword!
26507 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2019, 15:30
Good afternoon, Elle!
You are busy!
Still you seem to be making progress with the repair work/estimates etc.
It's an idea to keep copies of the things you send off, Elle, but I am sure you realise that.
Any word on the young warrior and his wrist?
It is fairly chilly outside today.
I was out posting a letter and could have done with a warmer jaiket.
26508 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2019, 17:11
Hi, Rusty!
I am just back home from a walk.
It is very nice out.
The temperature has reached double figures this afternoon, although I think it is expected to be much colder altogether tomorrow.
Yes, I always keep copies of any business correspondence etc., Rusty.....cautious and suspicious are my middle names!
I shall send off all the documentation tomorrow.
I didn't get around to doing the crossword........just had no time!
I haven't heard from my elder daughter do not know the wrist status!
But I expect she would have told me had it been broken.
Younger daughter phoned.......and YB tells me he has "lots of red spots"!
26509 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st April 2019, 22:12
Hello, Elle!
It was chilly here today!
Hopefully the wrist is just sore.
I'm sure your daughter will keep you in the picture.
Lucky YB!
Is he confined indoors, or does it not matter?
26510 of 30765  -   Report This Post