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14th March 2019, 18:14
Good evening, Rusty!
You have certainly had a very enjoyable afternoon, watching the horseracing!
I am glad you were pleased with the results.
I have finally finished all that I can manage of my crossword .....
It wasn't too difficult a puzzle as the answers were reasonable, and a lot of the parsing I was able to do afterwards, rather than depending on it for the solving of the clue.
(If you can follow what I mean?)
I am stuck on three, though.....
22a: Inexperienced competitor on river, is one 's concern great? (13)
26a: Snatch and rip off fastener (9)
18d: Case of demoiselle being into drink, is this? (7)
What am I missing here?
I have come back to these clues several times, but am no nearer seeing answers?
After a rather weird day weatherwise, we now have a very pleasant evening!
26171 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th March 2019, 20:47
Hello, Elle!
The racing was great!
One day to go and I am looking forward to it!
22, The river is "Indus" and the inexperienced competitor is "trialist", giving "industrialist".
26a is an anagram, "chinstrap".
18d, I have "ladette".
The drink is "latte", the case of demoiselle are the letters "d" and "e".
I don't know what a "demoiselle" is.
A "ladette" possibly?
It is a fine evening here but we have a snow "warning"!
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14th March 2019, 21:10
Hi, Rusty!
I had forgotten it was Thursday....
Your son will have been visiting you....I hope you have had a good chat?
Thank you for the crossword solutions... I would never have got those.
I didn't even see the anagram......
A "demoiselle" is "a young lady; or a single lady", but I am unsure what a "ladette" is?
Maybe a tomboy? I could look it up......?
I do hope that you don't get any snow!
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15th March 2019, 10:17
Good morning, Elle!
Great weather here, so far, but we are meant to get snow!
I would say a ladette could be a tomboy.
Why "tom"?
Gold Cup Day at Cheltenham today.
The meeting has been very entertaining so far, especially Bryony Frost!
The ITV director said he had interviewed Olympic champions, World Cup winners, etc, but his standout interview was the one with Bryony Frost!
I'll have a look at the fields when I come home.
26174 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2019, 10:22
A ladette is rather more a girl who behaves like "one of the lads" - e.g. gets drunk, swears etc.
Horrible neolgism!
26175 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2019, 12:16
Hi, Rusty!
Still very windy here......but at least it is dry today.
Are you off to meet your friends from Norn Iron this morning?
I know you all usually meet up at the Pine Cone.
Our builder friend has just left.
He arrived earlier to give us an estimate for the repair work required on the ceiling and door surround.....and stayed for a chat and a cup of tea!
The work will be more than I had expected.
Although the remainder of the ceiling in that half of the room is "safe", in that it isn't imminently going to fall down on our heads, it will all need replacing.
Ah well, needs must........
I hope you are enjoying your outing with your friends...and that despite a late arrival, they manage to fit everything into their somewhat tight schedule.
Enjoy Gold Cup Day!

Thanks, Chris!
"Ladette" was not a word with which I was familiar.
26176 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2019, 12:55
Hello, Elle!
I met my friends earlier.
They are off to the cemetery now, and meeting more friends later.
Had a great time at Pine Cone!
I agree with your builder.
No point in just patching up your ceiling.
A complete new one sounds much better.
I am looking forward very much to Gold Cup Day!
Yesterday's events will be a hard act to follow, though.
It was brilliant!
I've put my puzzle away until later!
Cheltenham comes first!
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15th March 2019, 14:03
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you had a good time with your friends at the Pine Cone.
Now, the building repairs.....
The entire ceiling will not be replaced (it's a very big room) but half of it will be.
About 10ft by 10ft will be redone.
We shall need two estimates to meet the requirements of the Insurance company, so another builder is coming next Wednesday, to give an alternative estimate.
I shall be glad when it is all resolved......
I, too, haven't yet had chance to look at today's crossword!
Any good horses for you to back at Cheltenham?
You are doing well so far!
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15th March 2019, 15:15
Hello, Elle!
That is a fairly large repair to be done.
I thought you'd need another quote.
All seems to be going well.
The racing at Cheltenham is great.
Been a wonderful week.
Rachael Blackmore has just won another race.
She rode Minella Indo and brought him home at 50-1.
She's had a brilliant week!
The Gold Cup is next.
I was not sure what to do, but have plumped for Bellshill each way.
Fingers crossed for a good run!
26179 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th March 2019, 16:04
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you are quite right.
We have been told that if the ceiling repairs are under £1000, then only one quote would be needed.......if above that figure, then two would be required.
Adding up all the bits and pieces , it will all prove very expensive.
Still, it is only bricks and mortar, so to speak.......and minimal contents..... at least no one was hurt!
Wow, those were great odds for Rachael to win!
Did you by any chance have a bet on her?
Good luck in the Gold Cup..... with Bellshill!
And "each way" means?
Yes, I'm sure you will have told me before, but...?
26180 of 30765  -   Report This Post