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12th March 2019, 12:57
PS - I did not wave as I was too busy clapping, as we all did.
Did not see anything that resembled a camera anyway.
26131 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2019, 13:02
Hi, Rusty!
I have given up on the prospect of watching the relevant bit of the cycling race......and I am sure that section is long past by now, anyway.
Pigale will realise that I have tried my best!
Thank you very much for your efforts to help, it is much appreciated.
And how did you fare?
Did you see her village, and a small figure perhaps waving frantically at us?
I am struggling with today's crossword......
I have done about two -thirds, but do not think I shall make much more progress.
It is too difficult for me .
26132 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2019, 13:32
Posts crossed Elle!
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12th March 2019, 13:52
Hello, Pigale!
Glad you made it down to the village for the race coming through!
My EuroSport transmission has not started yet.
And still windy today?
The crosswinds have played a big part in the race so far.
A pity there were no freebies, though!
Glad to hear all the locals were out to cheer the riders!
26134 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2019, 13:59
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you did your best!
My coverage (I am recording it) has not started yet!
I will let you know if Pigale waved to us or not, later!
I agree, a toughish puzzle today!
Just watched the first race at Cheltenham.
Klassical Dream won for Willie Mullins and Ruby (and me!)
Sad story about the owner.
He died a few months ago and never saw his horse race at Cheltenham.
As Willie said, "there will be tears and beers tonight!"
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12th March 2019, 14:12
Hello Rusty!

Yes, still windy, and if anything the wind should increase this
afternoon. It is flat country around here, and though there are
woods and forests etc, I am not sure that, given the route, the
race will benefit from them.
Tomorrow will even more windy I am afraid! In fact I reckon the
whole of March will be windy!!!

Still, it was fun to watch it from the Tavern corner - we were quite a
group there and we all know each other, but it is a shame that it is a week day when folks are at work, - Had it been a Saturday, the gathering would have been more important.
School kids were happy though, as they passed a few minutes
after they came out for lunch.
26136 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2019, 14:23
Hello, Pigale!
You seem to have enjoyed the race, anyway.
And the rest of the village, too!
Well done!
The crosswinds will split the peloton into smaller groups as the race goes on, probably.
The school kids would be excited, too!

Hello, Elle!
Willie Mullins has just won the second race, too!
Willie walks on water!
26137 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2019, 15:16
Hi, Rusty!
It is still pouring down.... and very chilly.
The dog and I have just been in the garden...we both needed a rub down when we came back indoors!
Well done, Klassical Dream!
And Willie, and Ruby.......and you!
Yes, sad though that the owner never saw his horse race - and indeed win - at Cheltenham.
Did you have a bet on the horse in the second race, too?
You always say that "Willie walks on water"!
I have got no forrader with the rest of my crossword puzzle?

Hello, Pigale!
Oops, yes, our posts had crossed.
I have only just seen this now.
Well, I did try hard to "find" both you and your village - but it was not to be.
I am glad though that you and your friends enjoyed the "personal touch" of seeing a section of the race for yourselves.
26138 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2019, 16:10
Hello, Elle!
It's sunny here but windy.
It is a sad story.
The owner always wanted a horse good enough to run at Cheltenham.
He found one, and Willie trained him.
But the owner died before Cheltenham.
His widow collected the prize and there was laughter and tears.
My second bet was on Laurina but she did not trouble the judge.
Last one today is Benie Des Dieux, so fingers crossed!
26139 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th March 2019, 17:44
Hi, Rusty!
How did your third horse do?
Were you lucky again?
Our sky is gradually clearing, now, and the wind does not sound as severe...although I think the forecast for tomorrow is bad.
We have an appointment to take the cat to the vets tomorrow, so I am hoping for fairer weather.
His booster vaccinations are due.
Getting him into his carrying basket is always a nightmare!
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