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15th March 2019, 19:34
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it was quite a strange coincidence for the subject of the fake fairies to come up on "Eggheads"!
Kevin knew all about it.
As Kevin does...
The man is a mine of information, and so quiet and unassuming about it all.
I think our strong wind has quieted considerably.
Is "quieted" a word, or do I mean "quietened"?
Neither sounds right?
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15th March 2019, 19:36
OK, rusty - my apologies!
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15th March 2019, 19:48
I`ve been a Yorkshire Post reader for many years and am very fond of it but ... it does tend to mention the `Cottingley Fairies` and the `Railway Children` on a regular basis! I usually turn straight to the crossword if either crops up (it is not too difficult, and an enjoyable one to solve)
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15th March 2019, 20:01
Hello, Elle!
I think the "Cottingley Fairies" story is fairly well known.
Conan Doyle believed the girls, as I remember?
I can not quite remember if the photos were examined by photographic experts, and said to be genuine?
But it's a few years since I read the book.
I would say "quietened" is a word, but "quieted"?
Ah, yes, it is in Collins online, as a past participle.
Is that fine?
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15th March 2019, 20:03
That's fine, Chris!
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15th March 2019, 20:08
Hello, Tyke!
Is the "Railway Children" a Yorkshire story too?
I did not know that.
I read the book on the "Cottingley Fairies" quite a few years ago.
I remember Arthur Conan Doyle was involved, I'm sure.
I've an idea that one of the girls confessed that the photos were faked, but the fairies were there, and they were real!
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15th March 2019, 20:11
Update, Elle!
Type "Cottingley Fairies" into Amazon searchbox.
There are several different books about them.
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15th March 2019, 20:28
"The Cottingley Fairies", Elle!
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15th March 2019, 20:47
Hello, Elle!
There are unconfirmed reports that Laddie has landed at Loch of the Lowes.
If so, he's a bit early!
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15th March 2019, 20:52
We're staying in the vicinity next week - I'll check, and we might go to have a look!
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