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3rd February 2019, 15:23
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am home again.
We had a most enjoyable walk in the sunshine!
And I am feeling much refreshed!
Yes, I did ask each individual to whom I spoke at Amazon for his name.
(I always do that, when dealing with any situation.
It's both a friendly touch, and useful if a comeback reference should be needed)
But apparently the Amazon Customer Services system does not allow one to speak to the same person throughout an enquiry.
One cannot ask for someone by name ,but has to talk to whomever answers the call!
This morning, I did actually ask to be put through to someone else who could deal with my enquiries, because the representative who took the call seemed unable to deal with the matter, but she said that wasn't possible!
It was at that point that I decided to terminate the call, and try again later.
I have an email address specifically for Customer Services, that I used to send the scan of the refund postage receipt...
I may try that avenue.........
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3rd February 2019, 15:42
Hello, Elle!
A pity about the Amazon Customer Service folk coming up short.
Do not give in!
You appear to be doing everything right.
Next time you hit a brick wall with them, ask to speak to their manager to escalate and expedite your claim.
Have a browse at this, Elle.
It is Amazon Resolver.
I have not used it but you may find some tips or helpful advice in it, to help you in your next 'phone call.
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3rd February 2019, 16:59
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the link about Amazon Resolver.
That may well come in very useful.
I have saved it in my Favourites, in case of future need!, I have sent Customer Services a very clearly defined email , explaining exactly where we are at with the Paper Cavalier Saga.
And have said that I am sure that their omission of our postage return refund was purely an oversight, and so I hope to receive it at their earliest convenience.
We shall see what happen next!
I am sorely in need of sustenance.....
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3rd February 2019, 17:14
Hello, Elle!
Hope you stir them in to action, Elle!
And if there is no positive action from them, email this lad?
Jeff, is Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon (and the richest man in the world!)
Apparently he reads some of his emails and has others to read and respond to the rest of them.
I have been trying to learn the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody!
Not very successfully, I may add!
I am getting on with my Hannah book.
Some of the photos are remarkable.
Her on the farm in her incredibly tattered clothes/rags.
Her coat was over forty years old.
A remarkable lady!
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3rd February 2019, 18:41
Hi, Rusty!
I have never heard of Jeff Bezos!
How come you know about him?
Have you had dealings with him?
If necessary, I will beard the lion in its den ......
But one shouldn't have to "fight" one's corner, when right is on one's side.....
I am glad that you are enjoying your book about Hannah
And the 64, 000 dollar question.....
Why ever do you need to learn the words of Bohemian Rhapsody?
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3rd February 2019, 19:17
Good evening, Elle!
I have had no personal dealings with Jeff, but as I mentioned last week, I have invested in Amazon, so I checked out Jeff, a few years ago.
Hannah's book is very good.
She has had a very lonely life though.
My favourite video just now, is the young choir singing Bohemian Rhapsody on Georgia's Got Talent, (they are great, as is the lady judge!) but I could not make out some of the lyrics, so I downloaded them, so I could join in.
I think if you contact Amazon Customer Services more than three times in one day, your complaint automatically goes higher up the ladder.
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3rd February 2019, 20:36
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I see!
I wish I could hear your rendering!
The best one can say about my own singing is that I make up in enthusiasm for what I lack in tunefulness!
As usual on a Sunday evening, I have been talking to my cousin.
She was housebound two days last week because of the snow!
Several schools were apparently closed in her area, so she looked after the nearby grandchild whilst his parents were at work.
It is good that she lives near enough to be of help in such circumstances.
We couldn't do that for any of our grand children, as we live too far way for access, if the roads were bad.
All I can do about Amazon for now, Rusty, is see what tomorrow brings.....whether there is a favourable reply to my email!
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3rd February 2019, 20:56
Hello, Elle!
The best way to describe my singing is "noisy"!
Is your cousin able to get out and about now?
I was lucky in that I lived close to some of my grandchildren and was able to help more when I stopped working.
I collected Miss La Bamba from school at least once a week from the day she started school until the day she left.
Hopefully you will get a positive reply from Amazon tomorrow.
I would not hesitate to chase them up, if I was you.
Snow still lying here, but the roads seem OK.
Rickie Fowler has a 5 stroke lead in the final round of the golf.
Hope he makes it!
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3rd February 2019, 21:08
Hi rusty
I've just turned on the golf at the end of some sort of disaster for Rickie. Could you tell me what happened, please?
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3rd February 2019, 21:16
Double bogies, for Rickie, Chris!
His 5 stroke lead has been cut to 1 shot.
He is 4 over par for today's round.
Not looking good for him!
25480 of 30765  -   Report This Post