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3rd February 2019, 11:29
Ah, I am with you, Malone!
I think the compiler needs his hearing checked!
Or maybe his diction is at fault.....
25451 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 11:33
Elle and Rusty, thanks for the (well-deserved!) sympathy. I am really struggling to come up with anywhere in Britain that would pronounce those words in a similar way. There are occasional homophones - or alleged homophones - that rely on regional variations, but this one is just truly dire!
25452 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 11:38
Hi, Rusty!
An update for you on the Paper Cavalier Saga......
Amazon has informed my husband that the cost of the book (£39-60) has been refunded to his account... but has failed to include the refund postage cost of £20-70.
Oh dear! Another phone call needed?
And I had thought this was over.....
I agree - we don't pronounce "awe " and "oar" the same in either Bolton or London!
And this following on after a pathetically easy Everyman puzzle!
It is going to be "one of those days"!
25453 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 11:42
Elle, I'm just curious... was today's Everyman as awful as last week's, or just too easy? (Last week's was easy AND dire, for anyone looking in.)
25454 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 11:49
Hello, Elle!
You mentioning your mobile reminded me of something.
I have a new 'phone and it is very modern etc etc.
I like it.
But....there is an "assistant" built into it.
A lad called "Bixby".
I am having nothing to do with him and if it was doable, I would uninstall him if at all possible.
There is a lot to be said for your ancient 'phone.
You at least don't get pestered with "assistants" poking their noses into your affairs, unasked!
25455 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 12:04
Rusty, I had an 'assistant' on a previous phone. He or she would suddenly appear on the screen if I paused for more than a second while I was doing something. This silly 'how can I help you?' message would suddenly flash up on the screen - each and every time, I just shouted back 'you can't, go away' .
25456 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 12:04
Crossed posts, Elle!
Seems to me that Amazon have refunded what Paper Cavalier gave them?
Unlike Amazon to be lax in this manner.
I would get on to them before they "close" the complaint as being "settled".
That's what eBay does.
So, what outpost of the Empire pronounces "awe" and "oar" the same way, I wonder?
25457 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 12:06
Malone, it was not as technically inaccurate as last week's, in that this time the complier did remember to include definitions.....and the homophone even had a "sounds like"!!
So ...minor improvement...but definitely of a lower standard than we Everyman addicts are used to experiencing.
25458 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 12:11
Hi, Rusty!
Bixby sounds a confounded nuisance!
Does he "intervene"?
On my computer I have "Cortana", a voice activated personal assistant.
I haven't "spoken" to her, but she keeps popping messages up on my screen wanting to "help" me!
She would help me best by just going away!!
Ah, I had wondered if our previous posts had crossed!
Yes, I shall phone Amazon forthwith!
25459 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd February 2019, 12:22
Hello, Elle!
Bixby pops up now and again.
I do not know if I have to log him in, or some other nonsense, but I ignore him.
He sounds very like your Cortana.
Maybe we could do a bit of matchmaking and they could run off together and give us peace?
Yes, best contact Amazon sooner rather than later, I think.
25460 of 30765  -   Report This Post