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24th November 2018, 20:33
Hello, Elle,
I have just finished reading my paper!
Running late today.
I give the Jumbo to my neighbour each week.
I think I have all the parses for today's puzzle.
4d, took me a while to see, though, and 13a.
A day of rest tomorrow!
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24th November 2018, 21:03
Hi, Rusty!
Well do I know that perpetual feeling of chasing one's tail...... simply because one has gotten behind times!
So well done on finally reading your paper!
I too had trouble with 4d for a time .... I did not see that it was an anagram of "started" around "o".
I still cannot see 13a though?
I have "rehearse" = "to run through" (def) but cannot parse the rest?
And the remaining one that I cannot parse is 8d......
"Clean room" would appear to be an instruction to a teenager, but where does the "chip- maker" fit in?
I am at a complete loss with this?
Any help appreciated, please!
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24th November 2018, 21:31
Hello, Elle!
I think to make electronic chips for 'phones etc they have to be made in a "clean room".
Now, this is not gospel, just my take on it!
13A. "Brings up" is "rears". "He" is in clue, and "E" for English.
"Rears" cases "he", giving "rehears" with "E", giving "rehearse" for run through.

What say you?
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24th November 2018, 21:35
Update, Elle!
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24th November 2018, 22:00
Elle, you are just ahead of me on the Monthly - still have 6 to do;
But as you say, what a number of new words there are! I certainly
don't think I will remember all of them, neither do I see myself
using them in a casual conversation!!!

Can you hear yourself casually saying to your pals in the park tomorrow
morning: 'Oh by the way, my daughter had her cat 'eunuchised'
yesterday...' ?
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24th November 2018, 22:07
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, yes, I see 13a now.......I was trying to fit in "hears" for "brings up cases" as in "tries court cases" ?
I was on the wrong track altogether!
Now .....8d...
Oh dear! I hang my head in shame!
I thought "chip maker" referred to a utensil in which one cooked (potato) chips!
You a deep -fat fryer!
Well, was I to know!!!!
( No wonder I couldn't explain the parsing!)
Thank you for the help and the explanatory clip.
I shall go to bed a wiser woman than when I arose this morning!
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24th November 2018, 22:17
Hello, Elle!
There will be lots of folk thinking of frying chips, I'd say!
I had very vaguely heard of a "clean room" somewhere before, otherwise I'd be thinking of proper chips, too!
13a, took me a while to get the parse, and when you asked for it, I had forgotten how I got it, and had to study it again!
Can't beat a senior moment!
All good fun, glad you got there in the end!
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24th November 2018, 22:18
Posts crossed Elle!
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24th November 2018, 22:24
Hello, Pigale!
I love it, Pigale! I might just try it!
And at least they would be in with a good chance of realising what it meant!
Whereas some of the "new" words are well out of my sphere.
But it's a great challenge to find the answers, isn't it?
And unlike some other crosswords, we are coming away with positive knowledge from what we have discovered.
There are some very clever parsings, aren't there?
But a lot - I think about ten - that I still cannot fully "do"!
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24th November 2018, 22:38
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, thank you again for your help - and your patience with my idiosyncrasies!
I have just completed the Jumbo least I managed that without any difficulties.
It looks like we are having a quiet day tomorrow, our daughter having decided that she needs to stay home and clean her house.........
And they all want to come over here the following Sunday as it is our Wedding Anniversary - the little ones want to help us celebrate!
I am not sure quite in what form they are envisaging this "celebration" taking place..... maybe some more heel-kicks?
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