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24th November 2018, 12:19
People who, like me, have to wait at home for an Amazon delivery, may be interested to know that they now offer a Local Collect service. They notify you when a parcel has been delivered and you collect in your own time. I live in a small country village and there are 3 Collection points within 5 miles.
This has only recently been introduced in my locality and I'm sure there will be some that this wouldn't suit, but all knowledge is useful!
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24th November 2018, 13:26
Thank you, Kenyatta.
My own parcel today is coming via Hermes......but the info about Amazon deliveries is indeed very interesting to know.
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24th November 2018, 15:59
Good afternoon, Elle!
Rain stopped!
Had a nice time at Pine Cone!
Miss O is off to Glasgow to a concert, now.
Four puzzles! That's a lot!
I have finished mine.
Been watching the curling.
Scotland beat Sweden in the European final.
The team looks very young!
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24th November 2018, 16:25
Good evening Elle and Rusty!

How are you both? Enjoying the sunshine?
Here is damp, dull but very mild! temp changed middle of night
so had to throw one layer (put on for recent cold spell) out as I felt
so warm!

Nothing to report really, just wanting to check-up on you two!
What have you been up to? Is your family visiting you tomorrow

I gather you need a seasonal ticket for Pine Cone Rusty!
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24th November 2018, 16:37
Hello, Pigale!
Weather has been wet and windy here, but improved today.
I hope you are keeping well and doing as the doctor ordered?
No season ticket for me at Pine Cone, but I do have a loyalty card.
The loyalty card entitles me to a free hot drink every tenth time I order one.
Problem is, I don't have a hot drink there.
Either water or a J2O!
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24th November 2018, 16:42
Hello Rusty!

Does it have to be for you or could one of your grand-daughters
benefit from it? Or do they have a cold drink too?
You could do with a free bacon roll every now and then!

I am doing what the doctor(s) have ordered; Rest, and more rest!
I fear I am getting very lazy..............

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24th November 2018, 16:48
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad you had a good time at the Pine Cone!
What concert is Miss O attending?
We still have our rain......but dog and I braved the elements, and went out again earlier.
It is fast going dark now......and becoming colder than it was this morning.
I have only done one of the four puzzles that John sent ... the Times Cryptic.
I usually do the Jumbo GK as well, but this morning I was concentrating on finishing the Times Monthly Club Special.
(I have been taking it easy, doing just few clues a day.....)
It is a good puzzle...I like it!
It is hard.....but I learn a lot!

Hello, Pigale!
What sunshine would that be?!
We have had rain all the day!
It hasn't deterred us from going out, but it has been pretty miserable!
The family WAS coming tomorrow, Pigale, but I think this is being put on hold now till next weekend.
Our daughter only has the weekend, you see, to catch up on her housework and shopping (she says the place is a mess!)
And they definitely want to spend next Sunday with us, as it is our Wedding Anniversary.
So tomorrow may well need to go by default in deference to next w/e......
We shall see!
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24th November 2018, 16:56
Hello Elle,

I sympathize with your daughter and housework on the week-end.
You and I have had (I would imagine) our fair share of it, haven't we?
I must admit that after a while, I decided to give the odd French lesson
here and there so that I could employ a lady once a week to do the
bulk of house cleaning without feeling guilty! Enough is enough
and at least my husband and I could have quality time together.
Much more interesting!

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24th November 2018, 18:17
Good evening, Elle!
Still dry here!
Miss O is going to see the Courteeners, in Glasgow.
Apparently they are an Indie rock band, she told me....and, no, I have not a clue what an Indie rock band is, or plays!
I have many unstarted puzzles here, as standbys, but one a day is plenty for me.
I admire folk who do the Times Jumbo Cryptic.
I did it for years but eventually I found it to be a slog and gave up on it.
You still have rain?

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24th November 2018, 20:04
Hi, Rusty!
I am no wiser, either, as to what constitutes an Indie rock band.......but let us hope that Miss O enjoys her evening!
Regarding the number of crosswords...John sends whatever is in his paper, leaving it to me which I choose to do!
It is rare for me to do the Jumbo Cryptic, though.....I just find it too long!
Today's 'usual' puzzle was a good one, I thought?
I have answers for all, but three (full) parses are still eluding me.....I have not yet given up though!
And the same for the Monthly Special...I now have all the answers, but not yet all the parses!
Our rain has finally stopped!
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