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26th November 2018, 15:13
Hello, Elle!
Excellent news for your husband!
Must be a very big relief to both of you, and your family.
One of my knees has been sore for a while, and my GP says I have excellent movement in it.
I am not so sure it is arthritis, though my GP says he thinks it could well be, going by age alone.
"Wagoner" looks not quite right to me, too!
And here's your "wagonner"!
I had an idea that "beldam" may have a French origin?
But only an idea!
I do not know Keat's poem, I have to say.
Just heard Storm Diana is heading this way!
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26th November 2018, 15:26
Great news Elle! As Rusty says, what a relief it must be for both
of you!
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26th November 2018, 17:23
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it was a great relief for us to learn that the lung Xrays are still clear.
Although my husband has now been discharged from the hospital, his GP was asked to do regular annual checks.
And, like you with your Neurologist, he can go straight back to see the Consultant if necessary, without going through the usual preliminary channels.
The blood tests were apparently more or less normal, but my husband is picking up a copy of the results from the surgery tomorrow , so we shall see for ourselves.
Just the knee (s) to sort out now......
I do not know anything about Storm Diana?
From where is she coming?
I think we are forecast quite a lot of rain here this week, but I haven't heard about any storms?

Thank you, Ros and Pigale!
Yes, it is good to get the all clear ...but it was worrying having to wait over the weekend, after last Thursday's "mix up" !
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26th November 2018, 18:29
Good evening, Elle!
The "open appointment" is a very good idea, though I hope not to use it.
I got a letter from my Neuro saying my blood tests were "reassuringly normal", and she wished me well, the final time I saw her.
She is a very nice person!
I think there are one or two weather systems approaching.
Storm Diana was named by the Portuguese Met and is coming up from the Azores.
I think there is another system crossing the Atlantic.
I wondered about Storm Diana because it is not long since we had a Storm Deirdre and next one is Storm Erik.
It's confusing!
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26th November 2018, 19:41
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I agree, of course one hopes never to have to use that open appointment system, but it serves as a reassuring safety net in that it means a quick re-assessment should the worst happen.
But we should put all such thoughts away from us now, and concentrate on the present!
I don't understand about the two "D"s relating to storms, either?
I thought the system was to work through alphabetically?
Yet here we are threatened by both "Deirdre" and "Diana"?
Is it something to do with whence they came?
All quite here...and no rain!
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26th November 2018, 19:44
Gordon Bennett!
That last post took four lots of pictures, before "Catcha" would accept my offering…!

I obviously do not know what a traffic light looks like... what a good job I do not drive!
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26th November 2018, 19:56
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the "open appointment" is a good idea.
Yes, it appears that Portugal named "Diana".
GB and/or Ireland named "Deirdre".
I think it confusing.
I thing GB Met Office and Eire Met Office are in cahoots as regards naming weather systems.
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26th November 2018, 20:56
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I am two parcels down now in my Black Friday Sale purchases, and two more yet to arrive!
I am quite pleased with myself, as I have saved rather a lot of money!
And I was not tempted by any sales propaganda - I have only purchased articles that I would have bought very soon anyway.
I am still looking at books.....
I have quite a lot of money still in my Amazon account.
I could treat myself and the grandchildren with books as extra presents for Christmas!
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26th November 2018, 22:19
Hello, Elle!
Quick delivery for your Black Friday purchases!
There is lots of stuff on Amazon, especially books.
Splash out on the young ones and yourself, do.
Keep the purchases for Christmas though!
I got my BT bill in, and it is a bit bigger than I thought.
I think I shall 'phone them tomorrow and see if I can get future bills trimmed down a bit.
No harm in speaking to them.
No sign of Diana, so far!
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26th November 2018, 22:22
Update, Elle!
I have not noticed any spam today.
I could well have missed it, I suppose.
But it looks encouraging!
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