Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it was a great relief for us to learn that the lung Xrays are still clear.
Although my husband has now been discharged from the hospital, his GP was asked to do regular annual checks.
And, like you with your Neurologist, he can go straight back to see the Consultant if necessary, without going through the usual preliminary channels.
The blood tests were apparently more or less normal, but my husband is picking up a copy of the results from the surgery tomorrow , so we shall see for ourselves.
Just the knee (s) to sort out now......
I do not know anything about Storm Diana?
From where is she coming?
I think we are forecast quite a lot of rain here this week, but I haven't heard about any storms?
Thank you, Ros and Pigale!
Yes, it is good to get the all clear ...but it was worrying having to wait over the weekend, after last Thursday's "mix up" !