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21st November 2018, 22:34
Hello, Elle!
EE are one of the "Top 10" companies who are very good to haggle with, and will give discounts to keep your custom.
They do NOT want to lose you.
Always keep that in mind when speaking to them.
A SIM card deal is a contract with your provider, but there is no 'phone.
Basically you keep the 'phone you have been using, and get a "SIM only" deal for the provider's services.
It works out very much cheaper.
I actually look forward to speaking with them at contract renewal time!
I've just had to find buses on Chrome!
24111 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st November 2018, 22:51
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, I see!
I am not well up on these things.......
I am with O2, but don't have a contract, as I simply have a "pay-as -you go" phone!
I only use it only for brief messages - basically I keep it with me for potential emergencies.
Otherwise , I use the house phone.
I was looking for 'shop frontages'!
It didn't like my decision, because it sent me another lot of pictures to see if I did any better with those!
24112 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st November 2018, 22:57
Hello, Elle!
I used to be pay-as-you-go, but I prefer a contract 'phone.
I have a house 'phone but it is more or less an ornament.
I do not use it anymore.
I had to find buses on Captcha, and must have boobed for then I had to find shop fronts.
Looks as if Chrome has caught up with the the rest of the browsers!
That one was OK. Just a tick!
24113 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st November 2018, 23:19
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, Captcha let me off with just a tick last time!
Is it making much difference to the amount of spam?
From various comments, it would appear that the worst time for an accumulation of spam is in the early mornings.
I miss this, as I am always out with the dog then.
By the time I come home, Norah has obviously been busy!
The rest of the day doesn't seem to be too bad?
Right, I am away to my bed!
All this activity up and down ladders has worn me out!
Sleep tomorrow!
24114 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2018, 02:00
hey guys do you play oce servers or are you american?
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22nd November 2018, 10:07
Good morning, Elle!
Still wet weather here but the wind his died away.
I think there appears to be much less spam since Captcha joined the Forum.
Early mornings were worst.
Not sure why that should be.
Any plans today?
24116 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2018, 10:38
I'd like to go with EE, rusty, but my friends who are don't get a good signal here.

imnew, I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean and people on this forum live all over the world. Neither elle or I is a guy ;-))
24117 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2018, 10:43
Good morning, Rusty!
It is fine here...but dull as yet.
We are told that the sun may put his hat on, by midday!
Yes, I have plans today to go out for lunch!
My friend from Benfleet is driving over to see me , and we shall go out to eat, about midday.
In the mean time, my husband is awaiting a telephone consultation, sometime this morning, with the GP about his blood test results and Xrays.
I have all fingers crossed that there will be no problems......
How about you?
What are you up to?
24118 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2018, 11:07
Hello, Elle!
I have very vaguely heard of Benfleet.
Sounds like one of our mountains!
I hope your husband's consultation is satisfactory.
I am trying to make a plan to go out with La Bamba tomorrow.
But my oldest son is coming in the morning to possibly do a couple of jobs for me, and with LB's Uni classes etc, I am not sure when!
But she is very keen, so something will be worked out!
I have just finished the puzzle and I think it is the best for a good while.
Some cracking clues to get you thinking!
So, well done to our setter!
24119 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd November 2018, 11:13
Hello, Rosalind!
My EE signal is quite good, but my neighbours say O2 is not.
My son is with "3" (what a silly name for a phone company!) and sings their praises.
He much prefers them to O2, who he was with for several years.
24120 of 30765  -   Report This Post