Hello Elle,
I can't be sure I have all the parsings correct either, this is where
my friend who Skypes every other day or so comes in handy - he does
the Monthly too - well, I send it to him - we both work independently and 'consult' every now and then, particularly when really stuck somewhere. Then we try
and give hints as opposed to direct answer - it stops getting
totally stuck and unable to go any further at all.
I find it quite hard, but as you say a great and interesting challenge yet unlike you, I certainly need the whole month to complete it.
My motto has always been that the best way to remember a word was by using it myself, and with some of these ....... I am not even sure I will remember the meaning of some of them in a week,
let alone being able to use them in a casual conversation.
Anyone, there will be a new one soon, so I better put my thinking
cap on for the last few. (or half few as I sometimes have the
beginning but cannot get the end of the word - do you find this
too? ie 10a OCH??? - it'll come to me tomorrow perhaps!