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20th November 2018, 22:25
I could not agree more Ros!
24091 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th November 2018, 22:25
Thanks Ros and elle - that explains it!

Yes, Ros - not a bridge!
24092 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th November 2018, 22:34
Hi, Rusty!
I do hope that you won't get snow!
There has faintly been a suggestion of it in the air, here, I could feel it when I went out into the garden with the dog......
I wouldn't go so far as to call it full-blown 'sleet'...but definitely not just rain......
Very cold, and threatening to be even chillier by tomorrow!
A question on "15 to1" depicted a bird holding a fish.
The contestant had to say which bird?
It was an osprey!
The end of the Great War Horses documentary was very sad.....
I think it criminal the way the horses were abandoned after all their bravery.......their fates to be passed on to other armies; shot as too sick or infirm, or killed as a "kindness" by their masters......
24093 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th November 2018, 22:51
Hello, Elle!
I hope I don't get snow, too!
I have been trying for the last hour to detect a very, very, low pitched humming noise coming from God knows where!
I have been listening to lightbulbs and 'phone chargers and all sorts.
Maybe something outside.
Anyway it has stopped now.
I hope you got the osprey question right?
It was a dreadfully sad ending to the documentary.
They would never have got to Damascus without the Walers.
And awful decisions for the Light Horsemen to make.
To see their horses go, or shoot them, after all they had been through.
Eric Bogle's song "It's As If He Knows" summed it up perfectly.
The horses knew what was happening.
Lots on YouTube about it.
Just awful!
24094 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th November 2018, 23:06
Hi, Rusty!
I cannot think what your low humming noise might be?
I was pulling on my boots this morning, whilst sitting out on the stairs in the hall, when there was a dreadful persistent loud vibration .......
It felt as though it was coming at me down the hall - I thought maybe it was caused by the pipes under the floor.......
I was fearing that the boiler might explode!
It turned out to be the radio from a 4 x 4 being revved up outside in the street!
Yes, (of course) I got the osprey question correct!!
24095 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th November 2018, 23:09
Thank you elle, poor old Munch, what a dreadful life.
TB was the cause of up to a quarter of deaths at the time of his mother's and sister's. His father sounds a nightmare.
24096 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th November 2018, 23:13
Hello, Elle!
It was barely perceptible.
Would hum for about 15 seconds, then stop for about the same length of time, then start again.
I was wondering if it could be my gas alarm battery starting to give out, but it seems OK.
I think it may have come from outside.
Goodness knows what was it, though.
Well done on the osprey question!
24097 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st November 2018, 10:19
Good morning, Rusty!
Another wet and cold day here!
This is becoming a tad monotonous.
Only 1C when I went out this morning.
I hope you are facing a brighter outlook?
I have a lot of chores to do today......including some more "book sorting".
I have three more cartons here ready to fill.
I may need a strong coffee first, though, before I attempt anything......!
24098 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st November 2018, 10:51
Good morning, Elle!
Still wild and wet here!
I was out earlier but home for the day now.
Good luck with the book sorting.
Just finished my puzzle.
11a is a new word for me.
And 8d a new meaning.
1d took me a while because I convinced myself that "k" was the symbol for phosphorus.
And it's not!
I liked this puzzle!
I was not too sure what a fire hydrant was, but now I know!
24099 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st November 2018, 11:56
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I have filled all available boxes!
I can do no more until I have more cartons.....
I shall have built the church roof all by myself at this rate.........
I hope the church dignitaries are appreciative of all the effort, heart searching, and strong will that has gone into the parting of me and my (many) books!
I haven't printed out the crossword yet......
"P" is the chemical symbol for phosphorus..." K" is potassium.
At least that will be a start for me when I finally get around to it!
The rain has ceased and the sun is beginning to shine!
And I need another coffee…..
24100 of 30765  -   Report This Post