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2nd November 2018, 22:02
Hello, Elle!
I checked out "binge" in Chambers, and Collins Dictionaries, and neither mentioned drugs, but there are plenty references to it online,
Looks like it is OK?
Mind you, my Chambers is quite a few years old!
I first met the Norn Iron lady about 20 years ago when she was a first year student here, and introduced her to the man she married!
There are not only matchmakers in Lisdoonvarna, you know !
I was best man when they wed!
So, we are great friends!
Did your daughter resolve her broken 'phone problem?
23681 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2018, 22:36
Dear Elle

I too realise it is closed but I must agree with Chrise. The comment was harmless. If you had said that to me, I would have agreed with you. I do know many uncouth people. I play cricket with them every week and the language is appalling. But I enjoy the company of the "couth" players.

I have only been on this forum a short time, and I think your comments are always very fair.

No need to reply

23682 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2018, 22:42

I too am surprised at the language on the golf course
23683 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2018, 23:19
My post 36791 simply put forward a suggestion as to why Bill Bryson's language had become coarser since his first book. No more and no less and only a generalisation.
I was a little surprised at the personal tone of Elle's response.
That's all.
23684 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2018, 23:20
Hi, Rusty!
My 13th edition of Chambers - ill fated, but a tad younger than yours - says that "binge" means "an overindulgence in eating and drinking"... no reference to drugs.
One step forward and two steps back......
Shall we just say that we personally are not in favour of the clue.....regardless of its correctness or nay?
You know, I am remembering this story of your being best man to your friends........
And I remember too that it is Lisdoonvarna where the annual matchmaking festival is held!
So just to keep the record straight in my head...are these also the same friends who come regularly to visit their mother in her nursing home?
You and Miss O will be looking forward to your all meeting up tomorrow!
I am unsure as to what is happening with my daughter's phone - she is at present still using her old one.
She texted at 9.40 pm to say that they had arrived safely!
23685 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2018, 23:23
Update, Elle!
I have ordered a biography of Calvin Coolidge on Amazon!
I have been finding out quite a bit about Silent Cal.
His last will and testament consisted of only 23 words!
"Not unmindful of my son John, I give all my estate, both real and personal, to my wife Grace Coolidge, in fee simple."
This will be my first Christmas present to me!
23686 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd November 2018, 23:30
Hello, Elle,
Posts crossed!
I am in agreement with you regarding "binge"!
Yes, they visit my friend's Mum who is in a care home.
They come across several times a year, usually on the Stena ship from Belfast to Cairnryan.
Just hope the weather holds.
We have a very heavy rain warning in place!
23687 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd November 2018, 07:43
Wow, wills can have a nasty sting, can't they? Mr Coolidge really didn't like his son, did he? "In fee simple" has the same effect as "absolutely"; I imagine both that and the first 6 words would prevent John from contesting the will.
If you find out why he didn't like John, rusty, could you tell us?

Maybe people swear on golf courses because they really care where the little white pillog goes? Last time I visited one was (in Prenton, jigjag) aged 10, trying out Woodbines.
23688 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd November 2018, 10:18
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely morning here, and a little warmer than yesterday.
I hope it is the same with you?
Yes, our posts crossed last night....
I didn't see yours until this morning, as I'd gone to bed after sending my last message!
It is good you ordered the biography of "Silent Cal".....I think you will enjoy it !
Two of my packages from Amazon arrived yesterday, and I received notification from FedEx that the third will come on Tuesday.
It is all happening!
What time are you all meeting up at the Pine Cone?
23689 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd November 2018, 10:35

Are they legal terms? Are you a lawyer? I have always resisted the temptation to try a cigarette, but my brother tried a Woodies, bit older than you. My mother was furious with him and she was a chain smoker at the time. I have never played at Prenton but have heard it is a good course.


I think Elle meant that you know some uncouth people, as I do. It was not a comment about you.
23690 of 30765  -   Report This Post