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31st October 2018, 20:53
Well, thank goodness it is over, for another year anyway. I was ready for them this year. Children had to solve a clue to get a packet of sweets.

"Greeting, little one, new tonight?" (9)

That should be easy enough, but it might put them off coming next year. But the first callers were 2 elderly witches, each carrying a tray, one with clock biscuits, one with cakes.

They cackled "Ticker or tart, perhaps? - five - two - five". "

Are you telling me the time, or is that the time on the biscuits?" I asked pleasantly.

"Neither, it's the number of letters in the answer", they said menacingly.

I was puzzled - were they selling their wares? - and just a little scared. Certainly not good for MY ticker. I said a polite "No thanks" and closed the door. I let Mrs J deal with later visitors.

That reminds me - I must write a short story about Halloween.

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31st October 2018, 22:17
Do you write a lot of short stories then, jigjag?

Yes, we did apple ducking, and sometimes my father tied them on a line so they dangled about mouth height and we had to eat them without hands. We also made our candle holders out of swedes, which was of course quite hard work as they don't have seeds in the middle. Dressing up or demanding with menaces wouldn't have been allowed!

In my grandchildren's village, it is accepted that if you have a pumpkin outside your house you are OK with it, and only sweets are expected. If you don't have a pumpkin you'll be left alone. There don't seem to be any children of the right age round here - I didn't see any pumpkins and no-one rang the bell. Have to eat the sweets myself now; oh dear, what a shame.
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31st October 2018, 22:34
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, quiet here, too, for most of the evening....
Next up will be requests / demands for "a penny for the guy" without a guy...and carol-singing without any songs!
"Things ain't what they used to be..."
Hot drinks all round and then bed!
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31st October 2018, 22:50
I remember now, it was called "apple bobbing".
Never been asked for a penny for the guy and I have paid not to have any carols sung!
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1st November 2018, 11:14
Good morning, Rusty!
Very wet here!
Wouldn't you know it, just when I ventured out with a newly clean dog.......
She returned home covered in mud and very pleased with herself!
My recently ordered books (a set of six) have arrived this morning.
"The Enzo Files" series by Peter May.
I am extremely pleased with them - excellent condition.
I have finished today's puzzle - quite early for me!
There was a Spoonerism , which I always hate...but which for once I could see!

Hello, Pigale!
How are you doing?
I hope you are beginning to feel somewhat better......and that your back is less painful?
Wet here......
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1st November 2018, 13:41
Good afternoon, Elle!
It is a lovely day here!
More books!?
I have finished the puzzle, too.
I do not understand 18d though.
I have "admiral".
Why is that "a cadet who really made it"?
I am not a fan of Spoonerisms, too.
Just heading out on a short dander to the post box.
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1st November 2018, 14:39
Good afternoon Elle, Rusty and everyone!

Sorry to be a bore, but no, my back is no better yet!
As I said, I keep 'reasonably' comfortable while drugs are working,
but towards the end of their 'effect time' (if you know what I mean),
I start hurting again and wait for the next 'fix' with impatience!

As mentioned yesterday, I feel like a drug addict awaiting his/her
next 'fix'!
I know from previous experience that back pain can take ages to
get better - even just a little improvement would be welcomed!

Warmish here (12C) but very damp - which probably does not
help! Not raining as such, but just dull. Roll on Summer!

I knew Doggie would be looking forward to getting filthy! Still,
I suppose it is easier now for you to clean her!

When it rained, I used to get through so many large towels with
my Golden Retriever! Such a large dog!

BTW, has anyone any news from Skyewalker (and his retriever Skye)?
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1st November 2018, 15:44
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We, too, have been out for a the rain!
"Time and tide (and dog) wait for no man".......regardless of the weather!
We are just home again...and dog is now clean and dry!
Yes, more books!
Our "new" (now very small) local library is a dead loss, so I am buying more and more used books from Amazon.
I am making space, though...gradually!
(And think how well my friend's church roof fund must be doing!)
Now, regarding 18d, I took "a cadet who really made it?" to mean one who had succeeded in reaching the top of his profession?
In this case, becoming an "admiral"?
Spoonerisms drive me mad! but this at least was an understandable one.
"Oblate" was a new word for me!

Hello, Pigale!
Yes, I guess "Patience " is the name of the game! (sorry...)
Softly does it!
I have a feeling that Ros (it may well have been someone else, though) was talking to Skyewalker about his going on holiday......
She may be able to help you?
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1st November 2018, 16:25
Hello Elle,

My enquiry about Skyewalker was purely out of curiosity since I
did not notice his taking part in either Clueless or Peer Review recently - mind you neither did I for the past 10 days or so!
I was just being nosy!

It is so dull that, even though we are an hour ahead of you and thus
enjoy day light until gone 5.30pm, I actually closed my shutters
around 4.15 pm today! Very low ceiling out there.
I have now lit all my little candles in their various holders and it
makes the room look very cheerful! (just dish-warmer candles if you
know what I mean).
I love candles - remnants of my teenage year and hippy movements!
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1st November 2018, 16:31
Hello Rosalind

I hope you enjoyed my very short story. I was intending to just put a clue on, but then the thought of a story came to me and lots of ideas suddenly entered my head. I had to do it very quickly, so it is certainly not polished, and there are many possible improvements.

I have written quite few, thank you for asking. They are mostly based on my experiences. The ones I have enjoyed most are where there is a mis-understanding based on one person's limited English. They sometimes involve "Edge Hill" situations that you brought to my attention.

I have never sought to have any published. I enjoy telling them to my friends and my female ones seem to particularly like them. I would like to write one based on crosswords. I have got some ideas. It may have already been done and I would have to research that.

The game you mentioned was the one we called "bob apple", and "duck apple" was trying to get your teeth into an apple in a washing-up bowl of water. I imagine you did the same. Happy memories.

I hope you did not eat too may sweets!

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