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31st October 2018, 17:38
Hello Rosalind

Another coincidence - my better half does family history too! A very time-consuming hobby but she loves it. She is also, with others, writing a book about the history of Ellesmere Port.
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31st October 2018, 17:48
Hello, Elle!
Yes, there is "trick or treating" here, but I am not sure how it works!
Years ago, up here, it was called "guising", before the trick or treating crossed the Atlantic.
I don't see anything desperate for you in the South West corner, Elle?
I liked 24d a lot! And 27a is a good one.
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31st October 2018, 17:50
Hello Elle

I agree with your views about trick or treat - definitely American. Some people I know in Liverpool told me it gets very nasty where they live - if you dont give the "children" enough money etc, you get your car covered in tomatoes or eggs.

Round here it is very gentle. Children are supervised by parents. We let our children do it when they were young as all their friends were doing it. Now that they are grown up, we just have lots of sweets to hand out. I dont look forward to it. The local custom seems to be that if you put a pumpkin out, you welcome callers. if you dont, you are by-passed.

It was fun when I was young. No trick or treating. We stayed at home and played "duck apple" and "bob apple", and had a toffee apple. All simple stuff. I bet Rosalind did the same.

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31st October 2018, 17:50
Here's the "guising", Elle!
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31st October 2018, 18:13
Hello, Jigjag!
I remember "dooking for apples"!
Not sure if it still goes on?
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31st October 2018, 18:56
Hi, Rusty!
I really abhor the current custom of trick or treating.....
We had nothing like that when I was young - not up north anyway.
We had Hallowe'en parties, but just for family and friends.
We would dress up in our costumes - we kids were often ghosts wrapped in a old sheet! - and would bob for apples in an old tin bath!
"Guising" is a new word for me!
I couldn't do either of those clues that you said you liked, Rusty!
For 24d, I have ?H??
and for 27a, which interlocks with 24d, I have Y?N???
The remaining one that I cannot do is 23d: E?A?L
I coped well with "Eggheads" though, tonight, which has boosted my morale a little bit!

Hello, Jigjag!
Yes, I knew an elderly couple who had paint poured down their drive, all because they were too afraid to open their front door to trick or treaters, late at night!
And others who have had their car scratched, or, as you say "decorated"!
I've tried offering sweets...but have actually on occasions been asked for money instead.....!
The pumpkin outside the house is a great idea......but isn't in operation here.
I think Chris once said that they have that up his way?
Yes, when young, we had parties for family and friends and dressed up, and played bobbing for apples!
All good clean fun...and no "threatening" involved.
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31st October 2018, 19:00
Yes, we have a pumpkin out. Only two lots so far, all very polite.

When I was younger it was always "penny for the guy" at this time of year - that seems to have vanished!
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31st October 2018, 19:05
Hello, Elle!
We called it "dooking" for apples!
"Guising" is maybe a Scots word.
I have not looked in Chambers
24 is a fine clue!
A statesman is a Yankee!
Eek! and nay reversed.
23, I needed Chambers to get the answer.
It is e-tail, on-line retailing.
Tail being dog.
I liked today's puzzle by the late setter.
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31st October 2018, 19:52
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, thank you, I can understand how you arrived at the answers to those three clues , now that you have explained it to me...
But honestly, I would never have got there on my own!
I liked (most of) the rest of the puzzle..... but not that corner!
But well done to the late setter, as you say.
I have finally watched the last episode of my serial, "Strangers"..... all came together at the end...but, goodness, it was rather convoluted!
I wouldn't like to have to explain it to anyone!!

Hello, Chris!
We still get children ringing the doorbell and asking for "a penny for the guy", as Bonfire Night approaches.....
But there is never any evidence of said "guy"?
What happened to tradition?
Talk about wanting something for nothing!
This is taking things to a new extreme!
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31st October 2018, 20:40
Hello, Elle!
I think they were good slightly unusual clues!
Quiet here.
No trick or treaters.
Not complaining, though!
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