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4th November 2018, 18:37
Hi, Rusty!
Dark here, too, and we are back in "Firework land"......
I have never been given to outbursts of violence, being a kind, gentle and forgiving person at heart...
BUT......I may yet run amok...I feel murderous tendencies arising.......!
Well done to all in the NY Marathon!
I take it Vivian Cheruiyot must have taken second place?
I do not know which male runners took part ?
I think, though, that Bernard Lagat was doing his first marathon?
It will be very late then , by the time your friends reach home....
How long does the ferry crossing take?

Hello, Ros!
I do not know if our grandson has had the result of his violin exam?
Daughter has not said anything.....and I forgot to ask......
I shall enquire when we speak tomorrow.
23721 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 19:14
Hello, Elle!
I can understand your feelings regarding the firework pests.
In the men's marathon it was Ethiopians first and second.
I can not recall their names.
There were 8 American women in the first 12 home.
13 in the first 20 home.
I thought that was very good?
The crossing to Belfast takes 2 hours and 15 minutes.
They have just boarded the ship.
They should be home around 22.30.
And work, college, school, tomorrow, I imagine.
But they have had a very good weekend, although quite hectic.
23722 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 19:25
Hello Elle

I qualified but you had to enter the final months ago. I cant commit myself so far in advance. The best clue I came across there was something like:

Last of the three couples in formal attire got up and danced (5)

a down clue - very clever
23723 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 19:31
Hello, Jigjag!
That's a very good clue!
23724 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 20:38
Hi, Rusty!
I have been talking to my cousin for the past hour.
All is well with the family up there.
She too is suffering firework mania.
We were recalling the days (nostalgia!) when we were small, and had just a few fireworks........Catherine Wheels, Roman candles, Jumping Jacks and the inevitable Sparklers (all non- bangers) which our fathers would set off, and we would all stand around eating treacle toffee, jacket potatoes and parkin, watching our guy burn on our (small) fire in the back street!
Pets safely indoors....
All quiet..... and no harm done to anyone!
Our (younger)daughter texted to say they are all safely back home from their weekend at Legoland!
I shall talk to BB tomorrow and hear all about it!

Hello, Jigjag!
I have the answer (I hope) but have only partially parsed your clue......
I won't write it down though, as I expect others might like to try solving it!
23725 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 20:48
Hello, Elle!
I am lucky, no fireworks for the last couple of hours.
I think tomorrow will be noisy, though.
Then we may have peace!
That's good your family are all well.
I am having a quiet evening reading my book!
23726 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 21:34
Hi, Rusty!
It has gone quiet here, too, now.
But yes, tomorrow evening will be noisy ...we have several official firework displays being held in our vicinity.
I have finished "Little Dribbling"!
I liked Bill's description of a "little padded room in his brain" that he kept for awkward conversations!
I shall try to remember that when I am tempted to speak out when "discretion would be the better part of valour"!
I have now to decide whether to read another book by Bill Bryson or one of my newly acquired "Enzo Files".
What book are you reading now?
23727 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 21:54
elle - I recall that the resuts of music grade exams are posted to the teachers, so it's a couple of weeks. My granddaughter had to wait six weeks to find out the reults of her first dancing exam. I have discovered she does disco dancing!
23728 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 21:56
OK Elle

Shall I give you the parsing tomorrow? I think Rusty will have solved it too
23729 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th November 2018, 22:00
Hello, Elle!
Tomorrow will be very noisy, I think.
Can the vet not give you something for your dog?
Was "Little Dribbling" a success?
And what other books of Bill's do you have?
I am re-reading "One Summer. America 1927", by Bill.
It will take a wee while to finish. It's 672 pages!
My friends have just landed at Belfast.
And my other pal is safely home to Skye.
Was great seeing them.
Miss O was enthralled!
23730 of 30765  -   Report This Post