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10th September 2018, 16:20
Hi, Rusty!
Phew! Remind me never to go shopping again!
I'd thought Monday might be a quiet day!
I was wrong!, you wouldn't have heard of Purley Way.
It is a bypass for Croydon, but there are both out- of- town shopping precincts, and Valley Park Retail Centre built there.
Both B&Q and Ikea form part of the latter.
We saw two possible wardrobes that would have fitted our space - which is a large recess on our upper landing.
But one wasn't quite as large as I wanted (I want to "fill" the alcove) and the other had a mirrored door...which I didn't think appropriate on a landing.
So ....still looking...but with a short list!
I think the V & A opening will draw the crowds?
Will you go down there?
Now for a (well-deserved ) cup of coffee!
And a sit- down!!!
22791 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th September 2018, 18:08
Hello, Elle!
I am not one for shopping!
Can't you get a joiner to make a wardrobe to fit your space?
The V&A opening is ticket only and a sell out.
There are road closures in the area to accommodate the opening, and annoy everyone else going about their normal business!
I will listen out for reports to see what like it is, and watch the BBC programme about it, and then decide if I'll visit it or not.
I have not heard if there is a "someone" opening it or not.
Like Duchess Kate, for instance?
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10th September 2018, 19:25
Hi, Rusty!
The only person to benefit from today's shopping spree is my husband...who bought two leather belts in a sale in Sports Direct!
But at least I now have some ideas on what I like and don't like for the "space".....
In theory, making a wardrobe sounds practice, we don't know a good joiner, and also, at London rates, it would work out very much more expensive than buying a "ready-made" wardrobe!
I might go to the British Heart Foundation Furniture and Electrical shop...they sell second hand goods.
I am wondering if I might have better luck finding a bigger, more "old-fashioned" wardrobe there, to suit my purposes?
I think if there is going to be someone of note to "open", or perform at the new V&A , the powers-that-be might go for a Scottish celebrity?
22793 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th September 2018, 19:33
Hello, Elle!
Why not try Gumtree for a wardrobe?
It is very hush hush if there is going to be "person of note" opening the V&A.
From what I can make out there are going to be bands on stage nearby.
And I have never heard of any of them.
KT Tunstall was performing there over the weekend.
We shall see!
22794 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th September 2018, 20:44
Hi, Rusty!
I had vaguely heard of Gumtree!
Yes, that is a very good suggestion........
So I have looked it up on Google, and keyed in my postcode reference, and listed what I want..."white wardrobe" ...but nothing to be found in the South East London area apparently.
However, I'll keep an eye open....
And I'll check out the BHF shop. too.
And I do now have two possibilities from Ikea on my list!
Something will turn up!
Should I know KT Tunstall?
Who is he/ she ?
22795 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th September 2018, 21:15
Hello, Elle!
You might be lucky on Gumtree, if you look in now and again.
KT Tunstall is a singer/musician, from Edinburgh.
She is reasonably well known, but I do not know any of her stuff.
It is raining here.
22796 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th September 2018, 21:42
Hi, Rusty!
Fine here, and a relatively warm evening.
We haven't needed the heating on.
Did you do the crossword today?
Was it a good one?
I didn't even get the time during the day to print it off !
And this evening I have just been reading.
How are you getting on with your "Dictionary of the Unexplained"?
22797 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th September 2018, 06:02
Good morning, Elle!
It is a dry start to the day here.
Yes, I finished yeterday's puzzle.
A good one!
I am getting on fine with my book.
Around 95% of UFO's are IFO's (Identified) after investigation, but some are not, and there are no explanations for several of the close encounters when there has been alleged contact with aliens on the ground.
Something happened!
The Turin Shroud dates from many centuries after Christ.
There are many interesting things in the book.
One was about Arthur Conan Doyle arranging a seance to contact Houdini's recently deceased mother.
(Houdini was very close to his mother.)
At the seance a woman "came through" and "spoke" through the medium, claiming to be Houdini's mother.
She spoke perfect English and claimed to be a Christian.
Houdini was furious with Doyle, as his mother was a Hungarian Jew, and could not speak English.
Very interesting!
22798 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th September 2018, 06:16
Judging by the antique shows I watch, no-one is very interested in "brown furniture" and many have built-in wardrobes. I agree about the cost of having anything like that made, astronomical. Try "Freecycle"?? I often get rid of things that way and I don't mind if a dealer collects them, though I prefer it if someone who needs what I am giving away comes along.
I don't like shopping; recently went to M & S for some winter clothes and came away with just a pair of shoes. The jumpers had arms for a orang utan and the backs 2" longer than the front. Probably posted that already. As we no longer have a bus it's an effort to get into town. I've tried seveal mail order companies but have given up. Maybe I'll have to knit my own!
22799 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th September 2018, 10:23
Good morning, Rusty!
Another lovely ...and here!
There were a lot of dog walkers about this morning!
It was a very social round!
Yes, your book is certainly good value.
I wonder to whose mother Houdini ended up speaking?!
I forgot to tell you that my book "Now We are Sixty" arrived yesterday!
It is in excellent condition; I am very pleased.
I am thinking, though, that I should re-read A.A.Milnes "Now We are Six".......before starting on my new acquisition!
A quiet day planned for today......I shall have time to do my crossword!

Hello, Ros!
Is "brown furniture" a collective term, like "white goods?
I am actually after a white wardrobe......but want one approximately 4ft wide and 23 inches deep.
The problem with buying from Gumtree or Freecycle , or their ilk, is the transport......and then the carrying of the wardrobe, up all the stairs, to our second landing!
I know what you mean about clothes sizes!
I looked at waterproof overtrousers in Sports Direct.......
They would have been fine were I an elephant!
22800 of 30765  -   Report This Post