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6th September 2018, 10:12
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a lovely day here!
Bright blue sky, and the early morning chill is fast dissipating with the warmth of the sunshine.
But is dark now when I get up.
Autumn is coming!
Now you mentioned that your book is have you really already reached the "T"s....... or are you "dipping" into it at random?
So what does it say about the Tower of London?
This is my favourite "tourist attraction"!
It is a great pity that it is so expensive to visit...or I would be there much more frequently!

Hello, Malone!
I am not very good at jigsaws either!
My greatest achievement was finishing (after several months"!) a circular puzzle of birds!
But never again…...I stick firmly to corners and straight edges now!
22741 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 12:08
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, too!
Autumn is coming here, too
I am just flicking through my book, in the meantime.
The Tower of London is reputed to have several ghosts.
Thomas Becket, Anne Boleyn, Sir Walter Raleigh etc.
But, over the last 50 years clearly identifiable sightings are few and far between.
Efforts are being made to record any sightings, however.
Yes my book is a dictionary of the unexplained.
A to Z. 760 pages, so lots to read!
22742 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 13:08
Elle, I was pleased to hear that I'm not the only one who has trouble with jigsaws. To get back at my children when they grew up. I gave one of them a jigsaw with 500 pieces - the picture was baked beans, lots and lots of them!

Rusty, Your book sounds vast - you'll be dipping into it for a long time to come!
22743 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 13:31
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am surrounded by cardboard boxes......
I asked my husband to bring some more strong boxes back from his last trip to the supermarket, so that I might carry on with my mammoth task of "book sorting"!
I passed on the last four filled boxes of books to a friend who is organising a weekly Saturday Sale of books in her local church hall, in aid of a new church roof!
I thought this a worthy cause!
I need a strong will, however...this is not an easy job....I am so reluctant to part with my books......
I haven't even looked at my crossword yet!
Have you done your own puzzle?
22744 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 17:22
Hello, Elle!
Fine afternoon here!
Persevere with your book "sorting"!
You know it makes sense!
Your husband played his part, now you must play yours!
I finished my puzzle earlier.
A good one!
Awaiting a call from Miss ATW.
I am her driver tomorrow while her car is in garage!
Apparently she told her Dad, that I am "an angel"!
That's a first for me!
22745 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 19:44
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, indeed...I have so very many books that sorting, and getting rid of some, is now my only option.
I long ago ran out of bookshelves room!
Piles of books can now be found in the most unexpected places!
It is very kind of you to act as Miss ATV's chauffeur for tomorrow!
Are you driving her anywhere exciting?
Yes, a good puzzle today!
All completed..... and a parse for each clue!
Is your son visiting you tonight?
22746 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 20:38
Hello, Elle!
Miss ATW's car is going to garage for MOT and service.
So, I am taking her to work, and collecting her later.
Well done on the parsing!
My son was here earlier, yes.
Had a nice time.
Plenty of chat!
22747 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th September 2018, 21:51
Hi, Rusty!
I thought today's crossword was slightly different from usual, in that the answers to the clues were far more obvious......
I found I was writing in the answers straight off , more from the definitions, and any crossers, and then looking to work out the parsing completely separately afterwards.......if that makes sense?
And you were right about YB being resilient!
My daughter just texted - I missed her phone call earlier - to say that delayed bruising came out on his leg......he must have banged it .....and he has been running about happily today!
All okay now!
I'm glad you had a good time chatting with your son!
22748 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th September 2018, 04:48
Good morning, Elle!
I thought yesterday's puzzle was fairly straightforward, too.
Some days are like that, but I prefer when they are trickier.
Good news about YB!
I have several things to do today.
A bit of driving for Miss ATW, etc.
But I hope to have time for my puzzle!
22749 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th September 2018, 10:08
Good morning, Rusty!
Another glorious morning here!
Though a definite chill to the was cold enough to need a fleece whilst walking the dog.
Just arrived home.
You sound as though you have quite a busy day ahead of you - you certainly had an early start!
Did you deliver Miss ATW to work safely?
I have a friend coming round in about an hour.
Probably ought to push the hoover round...... and blow the dust off the piano.....
22750 of 30765  -   Report This Post