Hi, Rusty!
You are obviously in an ideal position for easy reach of many ideal locations!
I envy you.......there are many times when I wish that we had moved further out into Kent, when we were younger, and more adaptable to change.
Now, it would probably simply be foolish......
Here, we are near to family...... younger daughter, son, and also "daughter-in- law-who -isn't", and many of the grandchildren, and this all counts for a lot!
Plus all our friends live in and around London and the Home Counties.....
We are in a good position here for general amenities etc, too.
Something all to be considered as we grow older!
I am taking advantage of the slightly cooler atmosphere today, to do some (long overdue) housework this morning...... but may look in on Le Tour later.
Hello, Pigale!
It is actually a little fresher and cooler here this morning...there is some cloud about and the sun is not as strong.
Praise be for a little respite from the heat!
I am taking advantage and trying to catch up with some cleaning!!
I take your point about the scenery ...I may try to look in on Le Tour later.