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17th July 2018, 18:52
Good evening, Rusty!
Thank you for the photographs and the video!
I was very pleased to read both all the information attached with the photos......and to watch the video.
I am definitely a lot better informed now!
I have just been watching "Eggheads".
And I may take a look at "The Voice Kids" later.......even though I have not been following all the programmes to date.
I am not happy with the way it is being shown this time.
Too much enforced viewing all at once.
I didn't like the semi- finals of BGT being shown every night, either..........
Once a week is enough for me!
There is still an empty nest on the osprey site!
Will the chicks return at "bed time"?
21981 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th July 2018, 19:14
Hello, Elle!
My TV is off until tomorrow.
Tomorrow's stage is a lot shorter.
The chicks will return to be fed.
I think they will return before dark.
But they have a lot of learning to do.
How to fly properly, and fish.
I am just going to have a look on YouTube to see what's new!
21982 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th July 2018, 20:19
I must remember not to read the PCT before watching the highlights of the TdF - I only knew one "Julian"!
I'm not sure why he isn't being considered as a GC contender.
21983 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th July 2018, 20:22
Hi, Rusty!
It is actually pleasantly cool out in the garden this evening......
We have been sitting out there for a while.
I have just come in to watch some of The Voice.......
I love seeing the youngsters perform!
There is still no sign of any ospreys in the nest.......will the chicks be fed whilst perching on a nearby branch?
Have you found anything of interest on YouTube?
21984 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th July 2018, 21:35
Hello, Elle!
I do not know if the chicks can be fed outwith the nest.
I saw three ospreys on different branches of the same tree earlier.
The nest is empty just now.
Yes, lots of good stuff on YouTube.
Watched bluegrass clog dancing and one of the musicians was Pete Seeger!
And there was an advert for an electric bike featuring a race between Peter Sagan v Grandmother Joan.
Was funny.
21985 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th July 2018, 21:37
Sorry Chris!
I was probably the first guilty party in spoiling it for you - even
though it was barely a one line sentence which got lost between
other posts!
21986 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th July 2018, 22:11
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I did watch part of "The Voice Kids"....before falling asleep whilst doing so!
No reflection on the programme...... I was just so tired!
I haven' t been sleeping well at night during the heat....and just succumbed!
Yes, I too like Pete Seeger......
"Where have all the flowers gone?" and "This land is your land" among others.
He died a few years ago, didn't he?

Hello, Pigale!
How are you doing?
Are you all organised now for your English visitor?
21987 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th July 2018, 22:37
Hello, Elle,
Yes, Pete died a year or two ago.
He was in his nineties.
Hope you liked The Voice?
I have a trip to my local charity shop tomorrow.
Been gathering a few books together, to take.
21988 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th July 2018, 10:11
Good morning, Rusty!
A slightly fresher, cooler morning here....
Much pleasanter for walking the dog!
We even sat on a bench in the shade for a while, with a lovely breeze blowing over us!
I think it will heat up, though, as the day develops.
I ought to follow your worthy example and pay a visit to the Charity shop.
I dispensed with a couple of bags of clothes fairly recently....
But I do need to have a massive reorganisation of my books.
I have run out of shelf space .......and our bookshelves line two walls of our lounge - floor to ceiling!
(And many of our books are two deep)
We also have bookshelves in most of our bedrooms.
It needs will power, though.......!
21989 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th July 2018, 11:36
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely day here!
Well, I have been to the PDSA shop with my books and I got four teaspoons (just in case!).
Went into Greggs, too.
The Greggs is closing soon, and I shall miss it!
I am looking forward to Le Tour today.
Still in the Alps. (l'Alpe d'Huez tomorrow!)
Greg van Avermaet is convinced he will lose his yellow jersey today.
I hope not, as he has fought valiantly to hang on to it.
We shall see!
Empty nest just now.
21990 of 30765  -   Report This Post