Hi, Rusty!
I was told that the last (hopefully) of the TW gang would arrive this afternoon or sometime tomorrow to finish the path.
So far no one else has come.......
If the job hasn't been completed by tomorrow tea-time, I guess I shall have to phone again.....at least I now have a direct number to call, and do not need to go through various departments.
But let us hope that is not required.
I have had enough!
I enjoyed the Red squirrel talk.
Ken did well!
And the baby squirrel scampering in the back ground was really cute.
I knew a little about squirrel pox but it was good to learn more about it.
I didn't know that the grey squirrels were carriers of the disease and couldn't catch it themselves though.
Or that it manifested itself in a nasty skin disease over the red squirrel's face and neck , spreading downwards.
How terrible to take two week to die of hunger as a result.
I would never have got that Spoonerism....I arrived at the answer partly from the crossers.
Thank you, Malone.
I am not good at Spoonerisms!