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11th May 2018, 15:34
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, now I have heard of "flea pit" for a cinema........
Although not as a verminous building as given by Chambers - apparently most commonly infested by rats - but rather used as a term of affection for our local cinema, when I was but a child!
We used to go to watch cartoons there sometimes, on Saturday mornings!
Yes, the holes are quite safe!
The one out on the street is barricaded by official Thames Water barriers...... and I understand that someone is coming within three days to fix that.
The others are on our own property........ but confined within two gates, so we are quite safe!
I think a strong coffee is in order after all this stress.......
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11th May 2018, 16:27
Hello, Elle!
I remember as a wee boy going to the local cinema and the usherette had a large spray tin which she scooted us with.
Must have have been disinfectant or something?
Well you have your leak fixed that's the main thing.
And you met two fine young men, so that's a bonus!
Were they glad of the tea and biscuits?
I always go out of my way to keep the tradesmen happy.
I have two sons who are tradesmen and I would like to think they were offered a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits when working on someone's property.
They told me the wealthy folk and the poorer folk always made coffee and a bite to eat.
It was the ones in the middle class who were miserable and gave them nothing.
It is a lovely afternoon here!
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11th May 2018, 19:18
Good evening, Rusty!
We have had a lovely day here , too, although most of our day has gone in tending to the workmen.......cups of tea, cold drinks, biscuits...... and clearing up all the mud afterwards!
We are at least fortunate that the worst of the mess is at present behind closed gates!
The dog has had no walk today, but she seems to have had fun playing "foreman"!
We have since cut the grass and done some gardening...... all is looking good!
I am now about to get dinner.
It doesn't feel like weekend tomorrow?
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12th May 2018, 06:19
Good morning. Elle!
Fine day here!
You will be pleased to get "the leak" fixed at any rate, that's the main thing.
Will you and your husband manage to clean up the mess?
Pity it was not Bob-a-Job week!
I have a couple of wee tasks to do today.
And going out with Miss La Bamba tomorrow.
So, a quietish weekend ahead, I think!
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12th May 2018, 10:18
Good morning, Rusty!
Dull and cool sunshine!
We are forecast rain this afternoon.
We are just home from our walk.
No workmen have come to repair the front street pavement as yet!
You were asking about the general clearing up....
Fortunately, this is something undertaken by Thames Water.
They are required to "make good" any land that they have had to dig up.
In our case, this constitutes a path between our house and the next.
The path belongs to us, not the Council.
So (different) workmen will come to restore the path to its former state of glory.
I hadn't realised that " Bob-a-Job" week had been reinstated?
I think that is an excellent thing.
It teaches the young Scouts responsibility and is a help to any householder wanting a small job done,
I wonder what the "going rate" is these days?
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12th May 2018, 11:02
Hello, Elle!
Superb weather here.
Now, I do not know if Bob-a-Job is still on the go!
Or if the Scouting movement still exists, even.
I do not know any scouts.
I have done the puzzle.
Took ages to parse 11a, but that was because I entered the wrong answer!
All done now!
20956 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 11:39
I may be wrong but I believe that Bob-a-job week was stopped 'for safety reasons'. I don't know if this was prompted by parents or the Scouting movement.
20957 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 12:17
Hi, Rusty!
The Scouting movement is still going strong, Rusty!
I have grandsons in Scouts, Cubs and Beavers!
All having a great time!
I shall enquire from them as to whether " Bob - a - Job" still exists in some form or other.
It did become defunct at one stage about twenty years back.
I know there have been corporate efforts, in recent years, when the Scouts have worked together on various Community projects.
But I do not know whether this is a regular occurrence?
I have nearly finished the crossword! Still a few to go.......

Hello, Kenyatta.
You are quite right in saying that Bob- a-job week was stopped - about 20 years ago now - for health and safety reasons.
But the concept has since been revived on a number of occasions, a few years back, when the Scouts have been involved in Community work to help with various projects.
But I do not know if this is still ongoing?

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12th May 2018, 13:26
Hello, Elle!
I see!
I never hear of Scouts around here.
Hence me wondering if they were still on the go.
Great day here!
I was out for a dander earlier.
20959 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 15:02
Hi, Rusty!
We are not so blessed with the weather here is now raining!
Where did you go for your walk?
I have answers for all the crossword clues...but have about five, that I cannot yet fully parse.
I shall soldier on - looking at them from time to time!
There were some clever clues, I thought?
On the simpler side, though, I liked 4d: "topca (o) t!
Have you done all the jobs that you mentioned?
20960 of 30765  -   Report This Post