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10th May 2018, 23:32
Hi, Rusty!
A great clip!
Thank you......
I loved the singing......and a clever advert showing so many beautiful facets of Ireland in such a short piece of film.
Is your son going to Orlando again?
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11th May 2018, 07:18
Good morning, Elle!
Fine morning here!
Hope the weekend is the same!
Glad you liked the clip of the Cranberries.
I have never heard anyone pronounce the word "quite", the way Dolores did.
"Quite" unique, I think!
My son and daughter-in-law are flying to Sanford, so I imagine it is Orlando they are staying.
They love Florida.
Mind you, so does everyone I speak to who has been there.
Misses O and La Bamba are "in charge" of me while they are away!
That'll be a hoot!
Off to get my paper shortly!
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11th May 2018, 08:26
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A lovely day here, too!
But no early morning walk for me (and dog) today......
We have workmen from Thames Water supposedly coming between 8am and 1pm to repair our leak!
It has taken them from late February until early May to achieve this......!
It is a good job that we are not yet being charged for our water usage.
I dread to think what this wastage would have cost us!
We are at the ready, in case they come early...but of course it could well be 1 o'clock before they show their faces.....if indeed they turn up at all.......
I am sure that Misses O and L-B will do an excellent job of "minding" you, whilst your son and daughter-in-law are away next week!
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11th May 2018, 09:37
Hello, Elle!
Turning into a lovely day here.
Hope the Thames Water lads turn up and do a good job.
I take it you will be keeping a sharp eye on them!
And they probably won't say "no" to a cuppa, either!
The young ones and me get on well, so we will be fine when Mum and Dad are away.
I have spare keys etc in case they get locked out!
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11th May 2018, 10:51
Hi, Rusty!
Update.......two workmen are now here.....they arrived at 9.30.
Very pleasant young men, whom we are duly fortifying with drinks and biscuits.
A hole has been dug outside next to the water meter......
The only problem now is that they cannot trace the pipe....!
Watch this space for further developments.........
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11th May 2018, 12:10
Hello, Elle!
Well done on looking after your pleasant young men!
I am always on the side of the workers!
I am sure the pipe will turn up....hopefully!
I have just finished my puzzle.
I found it tough.
10a is a new word me, as was 1d, 3d.
The answer to 1a is hidden, thankfully, otherwise the clue is pretty meaningless to me.
I'm not very excited about today's puzzle, I'm afraid.
Anyway, time for my carrot soup!
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11th May 2018, 13:08
Hi, Rusty!
Progress is painfully slow......
The poor guys have been wandering about with their tracking device, whilst the errant (leaking?) pipe has remained obstinately hidden.....
However, they have now discovered it.
So we shall see what happens next.....
I did not think the puzzle too bad?
I especially liked 1d!
HOUYHNHNMS are the intelligent talking horses from Gulliver's Travels.
I agree with you, though , about 1a.
"Hippos" is the hidden answer, but I do not know why?
Nor do I know why "lieu" meaning "place" is the answer to 19a?
And I couldn't do 27a: P?N?Y?A?F
Otherwise , all done and parsed.
Dog has taken a shine to one of the workmen!
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11th May 2018, 13:22
Hello, Elle!
The lads will make progress now they have found the pipe!
Are they staying for tea?
1a is not a good clue, unless I am missing something.
I tried Gulliver's Travels yonks ago, but gave up on it.
Not for me!
Anne Bradford gave me the answer under "horse"!
I do not know the term in 27a, but it is found from the clue.
A "penny" can drop when you suddenly twig something.
And a clanger could be a "gaffe", or speaking, "gaff".
I have not looked up "penny gaff", but it fits and appears to be the answer going by the clue?
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11th May 2018, 14:28
Hi, Rusty!
I couldn't see "penny gaff", but you have explained it very clearly.
Thank you for that.
Chambers says that is a "low -class theatre", so yes, that fits fine with the clue.
I saw "hippo" hidden in the clue for 1a, but still cannot understand why?
We must be missing something known to the setter, but not to us?
The workmen have now finished no, not staying for tea!
They have replaced the part of the pipe that was leaking.
The big holes will remain until different workmen come to "make good " the ground!
I am assured all be replaced as they found it.
When, though, remains to be seen......
We shall receive a phone call.....!
(Let us hope it is not in a further three months!)
The guys today, though, have been brilliant....very nice and friendly, and very hard working.
Good for them!
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11th May 2018, 14:54
Hello, Elle!
"Penny gaff" is not a term I know, seems to rank with "flea pit"?
Anne B has "pennygaff" (one word) under "theatre".
I have gone back to "hippo"!
Chambers tells us that "township" is used in South Africa for a settlement of poor black people.
And I suppose a "hippo" is more likely to be found in Africa, (I do not know about South Africa) than anywhere else, so I grudgingly give the setter his "hippo", along with the admonition "must try harder!"
Well done, your lads!
They appear fine young men.
Are the holes safe? Could passers by fall in one?
If so, alert the council!
20950 of 30765  -   Report This Post