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16th May 2018, 19:46
Hello, Cerasus!
We'll have to get you on Eggheads then!
21031 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2018, 19:49
Just the local pub quiz is more my thing !
21032 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2018, 19:58


16th May 2018, 20:10
Well done, Cerasus!
I agree, I used to like the pub quizzes.
Hard work compiling one though!
21034 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2018, 20:32
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for explaining "palmers"......I wouldn't have got if I had tried until the cows come home!
And I did not know that about Puck, as explained very kindly by Cerasus.
I read "A Midsummer Night's Dream " many years ago at school, but it is not one of my favourite Shakespeare plays, and I have never re-read it , nor see the play in the theatre.
I cannot remember the part where Puck says that.......
My favourites are "Twelfth Night" and "As you Like It"
I have seen and enjoyed both those plays performed as open-air theatre at Boughton Monchelsea Place in Kent,.
Both extremely well done.
They were great occasions - the audiences dined out there in the grounds ....with a picnic...and wine.....before the start of the performances.
It was great fun!

Thank you very much, Cerasus
I have read "A Midsummer Night's Dream" many moons ago, but did not remember that about Puck.
21035 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2018, 20:39
Hello, Elle!
The magicians on BGT palm cards.
It is very much part of their act.
No, we would have been lost without Cerasus kindly helping us along.
I know very little about Shakespeare or his plays, but Puck rang a wee bell.
That's a right mouthful of a name of a place in Kent!
My son and daughter-in-law are home from London.
Apparently it is a "great city"!
They did a lot of walking there.
21036 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2018, 21:08
Hi, Fusty!
Boughton Monchelsea Place is a wonderful setting for the open air plays!
See this link
Then click on "View Gallery".
These are only pics.....but there is more information on Wikipedia.
I'm glad your son and daughter- in -law obviously enjoyed their visit to London.
Yes, one can walk almost anywhere...and it is also so easy to find one's way about by Tube.
It is easy to walk from one park to another......we have a lot of beautiful parks in and around London
Great art galleries and wonderful theatres too!
The Tower of London is my favourite "touristy" spot!
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16th May 2018, 21:29
Hello, Elle!
That is a fine establishment!
It looks familiar to me.
Wondering if it was on the Sky Arts channel for a painting competition once?
My son is getting to know Central London fairly well.
He has been there quite a few times now.
He likes it!
21038 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th May 2018, 22:09
Hi, Rusty!
I like going up to London, too!
I can well understand your son's liking it.
I especially love going to the various Art Galleries, particularly if there is a special Exhibition of work by a favourite artist, that I wish to see.
I am not so keen on visiting Museums though......
The Science Museum is fantastic......but I find it best taken in small doses.
I like the British Museum, and there are some great tours arranged that are worth going on.
The guides are very well- informed...and expert at making their passing on of knowledge very interesting to the listener.
Should your son be interested, he might like to try one of the guided "London Walks" next time he visits.
All done on foot!
I've been on a few and they are very good!
21039 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th May 2018, 10:02
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely weather here!
Are the Thames Water lads hard at work?
I do not think art galleries would be my son's thing.
Lovely traditional old pubs would be more like it.
The Science Museum would though and possibly the Imperial War Museum (if that's in London?)
And the Tower of London would, I am sure.
I am sure he will tell me all about it when I see him.
21040 of 30765  -   Report This Post