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12th May 2018, 15:06
Sorry, Rusty!
I've just noticed my typo..."topc (o) at!
20961 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 15:29
Hello, Elle!
I had a walk along a bit of the nature trail.
Had it all to myself!
I liked "topcoat", too.
Think today's setter is quite clever!
I had to look up "Goole" to find out where it was.
I had an idea it was in the South!
No, still have a task or two to do over the weekend.
But not just now, I have the Giro to watch on TV.
20962 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 16:09
Hi, Rusty!
I think Goole is in Yorkshire?
11a is one of the clues that I am unable to parse.
I have "On the house" = "free" (def,) but cannot explain the rest?
I am half way there with the few parsings that I am finding difficult, but not quite grasping the entirety.
It is still raining - looks set for the rest of the day - and we have to go out shortly.
The dog has to see the vet for a post dental extraction check. at 5 pm.
So I must get organised......
Enjoy the cycling!
20963 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 16:33
Hello, Elle!
I had "on the loose" for a while!
It is, as you have, "on the house"/free.
There is a River Ouse in Yorkshire.
It may run between York and Goole and one could travel by boat, possibly, between them, "on the Ouse".
Insert "h" for horse, and we have "on the house".
The weather is super here!
Not a cloud in the sky!
Hope doggie gets on fine!
20964 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 18:01
Hi, Rusty!
We are back from the vets.
All well with the dog's tooth cavities was just a check for possible inflammation.
She does not need to go again.
Ah, regarding 11a.... I never thought of the River Ouse being involved.
Well done in solving that...a good clue, eh?
I am about to get dinner......there are one or two options ...... uhm.......
Have you had yours?
It is now pouring down and becoming decidedly cooler.
20965 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 18:17
Hello, Elle!
Good news about the doggie!
11a was a good clue.
Up here at this time of day, we have "tea".
We have our dinner at lunchtime!
I had macaroni and cheese, and shortie biscuits for tea.
It is a pity about your rain.
Been great here!
Are you watching BGT this evening, or is it "Casualty"?
20966 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 19:26
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, the dog still has to take her anti-inflammatory pain killers until Monday but is otherwise ok.
It was as well to get the dental treatment done before she gets any older.
Well, in the event, I didn't need to do any cooking!
My husband very kindly decided to drive down to the chippy!
It is a walkable distance, but the rain is torrential, hence taking the car.
I had sausage and chips - very nice , too!
There is no "Casualty" this evening, because of the Eurovision Song Contest... which I most definitely shall not be watching.
I intend , all being well, if there are no interruptions , to watch BGT.
But I shall record it "just in case"!
Let us hope for some worthwhile - perhaps unusual l- acts.
20967 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 19:56
Hello, Elle!
You still have rain!
That is very thoughtful of your husband going out for your tea!
And no pots or dishes to wash!
It is many years since I looked at the Eurovision Song Contest.
It has always been pretty dire, to me, anyway.
I record BGT and watch it in the morning.
There is a lad doing tricks with a Rubik cube who is supposed to be pretty good.
Not had a dog act yet, this year.
Oh for another Ashleigh and Pudsey!
20968 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 21:26
Hi, Rusty!
Oops! Well, I missed the first half hour of BGT because I was reading and forgot to switch on the television!
I watched the remainder though.
Well, I don't know what to say....we certainly got the "unusual".....and some of it quite clever ....... and the audience and the judges seemed to like the acts......
But most of it left me quite cold, apart from the singer at the end.........whom I thought was fantastic!
( I shall now watch the beginning of the show, as I have it recorded......)
It will be interesting to hear your views tomorrow!
20969 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th May 2018, 21:58
Update, Rusty!
I'd only missed three acts...two of which were very good.
So perhaps had I watched the show from the beginning , initially, I might have been in a better frame of mind?
Your man with the rubik cube was absolutely brilliant!
And a nice personality to go with it!
And the following young children were very good, too.
20970 of 30765  -   Report This Post