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13th May 2018, 05:32
Good morning, Elle!
Another fine day here!
Hope your rain has stopped.
That's encouraging about BGT.
Looking forward to watching it!
20971 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2018, 10:02
Good morning, Rusty!
You were up very early!
A mediocre kind of day here ...fine but cloudy.
Pleasant enough out...mild; supposedly hitting 17C later in the day.
How did you find BGT?
Overall, I found it a disappointing show.......with just a few isolated acts that I thought were very good.
I liked Maddox, the magician with the Rubik cube.
That was an incredible trick he did with Amanda.
And the young children that followed were very good - very slick.
And as I said before, the singer at the very end - Ronan? - was excellent!
I was blown away by his voice.
A few others were accomplished, but boring...... the lady making the bird noises was clever...but a little went a long way......
And I didn't particularly like the soul singer, Lifford, even though Alesha knew him and pressed the Golden Buzzer.
You are going out this morning with Miss L-B, aren't you?
What time is she collecting you?
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13th May 2018, 10:26
Hello, Elle!
I have asked to be collected at 11 but all quiet on the La Bamba front!
It is/was raining here.
I thought BGT was better than last week.
Well, I had to like Lifford (Lifford is the county town of Donegal)
Not my kind of music, but he was very good, I thought.
Nino was good on violin, but not as entertaining as Lettice!
Mr Rubik cube was very good indeed.
I liked the wee cartoon girls.
Oleana from Russia was great I thought.
Never saw or heard anything remotely like it.
Bambas on bazouki was very entertaining.
And Ronan from Tesco was excellent.
Another Paul Potts, perhaps?
Still no choir or performing dog act though!
20973 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2018, 10:49
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't know that Lifford is the county town of Donegal!
I thought awarding him the Golden Buzzer was a bit like nepotism, as Alesha already knew him and felt sorry for him?
I would have given Ronan the GB, as I thought he was brilliant,
Are the judges only allowed one press of the Golden Buzzer per show?
Yes, Oleana was clever ...but limited?
Er...who is Paul Potts, please?
I've never heard of him?
20974 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2018, 10:58
Hello, Elle
Yes, it's Lifford.
Many folk think it is Letterkenny or Donegal Town, but the county town is Lifford.
Paul Potts won BGT in the early days.
He now has a professional career singing opera.
I can understand Alesha being criticised.
But it is not her fault she knows folk, surely?
There are often hard luck stories on BGT.
Ronan was very good indeed, too!
He may even win?
20975 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2018, 12:48
Hi, Rusty!
Did you have had a good time at the Pine Cone with your granddaughter?
What did you eat?
Yes, I think Ronan stands a good chance of winning BGT so far.......I like Father Ray, also Dad and Jack, but Ronan outclasses them.
I think Ronan did say that at one time he was a professional singer?
I have had a leisurely morning........
I talked to my daughter and YB for ages - my son-in-law and BB were at the latter's tennis lesson.
And I have finished the Everyman and the ST Cryptic.
Later on we are going out.......but not till about 2ish.
We have watery sunshine now!
20976 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2018, 17:23
Hello, Elle!
The sun has appeared and it has been a lovely afternoon!
We had a nice time at Pine Cone and Miss O came along too.
I had a bacon roll and the girls had omelettes!
I agree that Ronan has a good chance of winning, but I prefer Father Ray, and Jack and Dad.
Here is Paul Potts first audition.
He won that series and is now a full time singer.

You have done well managing two puzzles today!
20977 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2018, 19:40
Good evening, Rusty!
We were out visiting a lot longer than I had anticipated!
We ended up with a lovely afternoon of sunshine, here, too ......and an even nicer evening!
Thank you for the clip......
Paul Potts was superb!
I am gradually beginning to appreciate the value of BGT!
Some folk have tremendous talent.
Were there only three judges then , originally ?
I think probably the mix works better now?
Well......I had best phone my cousin, before it gets any later!
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13th May 2018, 20:14
Hello, Elle!
Still fine weather here!
Paul was/is a smashing singer, and a similar background to Ronan.
Both work in stores!
That was the very first series.
Just three judges then.
I would have liked to see Piers Morgan stay with the show, but the present format is better I think.
Everything in the Paul Potts clip looks dated, compared to the present show.
Think Piers does America's Got Talent nowadays.
Louis Walsh did a few shows as a guest judge, and I liked Louis too.
Hope all is well in the North!
20979 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th May 2018, 21:06
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, all is well up there!
My cousin is now able to drive again so life is much easier for her.
Public transport can be very limiting!
I do not drive at all........but our transport system here is great......buses, main line train, the Tube, trams , the name it, we have it ...
And all for free once one reaches a "certain age"!
I have no difficulty in going from A to B if on my own.
Yes, I know of Louis Walsh - way back, I saw a few of the X Factor shows, but didn't like the atmosphere between the judges, so I no longer watch it.
Too much sniping and competitiveness.
There is not the good rapport between the judges / coaches as there is on "the Voice:UK" and on BGT.
Going dark now...but it's been a glorious evening.

Hello, Pigale!
We haven't seen you on here for a few days.
I hope all is well with you?
We have had a glorious day here - after a dull start, it graduated into a beautiful evening,
Warm, too.
I hope you are similarly blessed.
20980 of 30765  -   Report This Post