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9th May 2018, 12:34
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you enjoyed your walk?
Where did you venture?
I have had a quiet morning.........
It seems strange without the dog.....and .the cat is restless wondering where his companion has gone.
I finished the crossword early this morning.
It was a straightforward one today, and for once didn't really give me any problems.
I epecially liked "castigates", "Provence" , "Sargent", and "choices".
I was puzzled though as to why "kins" meant "classes"?
Unless I have it wrong?
For 5a, I have "Hopkins" = "poet and priest" (def);
meaning, I assume, Gerald Manley Hopkins?
hop - dance
kins - classes , but why?
20921 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 13:04
Hello, Elle!
I just went as far as the nearest ATM.
i have Hopkins, but no idea who he/she is.
If you look up "kin" in Chambers, there is a reference to "genus".
Look up "genus" and it has "class", so I presume the setter is accurate enough.
20922 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 14:45
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Well, I am assuming that the clue referred to Gerald Manley Hopkins, as he fits the bill.
He is an English poet of Victorian times, who died in Ireland, in the late 1800s.
He was also a Jesuit priest.
So it sounds okay.
I am sure you are right about "kins"...although I don't much like seems a somewhat tortuous definition?
I have just spoken to the veterinary nurse.
The dog is okay......she has been out of surgery for about an hour......and has been in the garden and eaten all her lunch!
We have a discharge appointment with the vet at 5 o'clock, so shall learn more then.
20923 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 17:29
Hello, Elle!
There is a vaguely familiar ring to Hopkins.
I may have noticed his name before.
But, I don't "do" poetry.
Yes, "kins" in the clue is less than straightforward, to me at any rate.
Hope the dog is fine after treatment.
20924 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 19:10
Hi, Rusty!
All went well at the vets.
The dog had fully recovered from her anaesthetic, and was excited to see us.
She had needed to have a couple of teeth removed, but was otherwise fine.
And all her blood tests were ok.
She goes back on Saturday afternoon for a post dental check.
She has just wolfed down her dinner, so I'd say she is feeling good!
Speaking of dinner....I think it time for ours.........
20925 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 19:26
Good evening, Elle!
That's splendid news about your doggie!
Seems to be fine after her treatment.
We have light rain just now.
No complaints, we have had a good spell of weather up to now.
A lot less spam today, too.
The Malone Times will be going into hibernation, perhaps!
20926 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 20:14
Rusty, on the basis of 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em', the next issue of Malone Times may feature articles on astrology and relationship problems...and a few spam recipes.
20927 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 20:36
Hi, Rusty!
It is getting chilly here, as the evening draws in...such a change!
I believe our rain is to start at 3 am.
Still, let us look on the bright will do the garden good.
I have quite a good clue for you from the Times QC.....
Leastways, I liked may find it too easy.
Approved sellers disposing of five English diamonds (8)
Yes, Malone has been inspirational with her cryptic clues whilst the spanning has been going on!
20928 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 20:49
Hello, Malone!
Your efforts in the Malone Times are much appreciated!
I really like spam fritters if you have any exciting recipes for them!

Hello, Elle!
A tad chilly here, too.
I managed your clue! "(v)endors E d", I think?
I endorse your words of praise for Malone!
Be a shame to see the disappearance ot the Malone Times puzzles!
Not much spam today, mind you!
20929 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th May 2018, 21:13
Elle and Rusty, thanks for your very kind words on the Malone Times. It was originally aimed at distracting us, all of us, from the spam - usually an irritating flurry, occasionally (as yesterday) a veritable deluge! It won't disappear.
20930 of 30765  -   Report This Post