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1st May 2018, 20:03
HI, Rusty!
I hope you had a successful day and all was accomplished to your satisfaction?
I enjoyed today's crossword puzzle......I thought it much easier and more to my liking than yesterday's.
My favourites were 2d: concave; 10a: gravitas; and 14a: bipartisan.
Yes, I, too, had to look up the meaning of "strass"!
I only have one outstanding......
23a: Pounds, a single one of them in cash (6)
I wondered about "liquid", but couldn't see why this should be?
All the other clues were fully parsed - quite amazing for me!
I have had a good day all round!
It is chilly here, too.
20771 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 20:23
Hi elle
No reply from rusty, so:
L pound
I one
QUID another pound
LIQUID = ready cash
Quite a nice clue!
20772 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 20:28
Hello, Elle!
Yes, "liquid", in cash, or in funds.
Pound is "L" for "Libra", a single pound is "i" "quid".
You have done well, for some of the parses were not straightforward.
Yes, I managed to get some things done.
One or two more tomorrow, too.
All go!
It is a lot cooler now.
20773 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 21:23
Hi, Rusty!
I think it all depends on how one's brain works!
I found today's puzzle comparatively straightforward.
Some nice touches!
Thank you for explaining "liquid".
Yes......I think I have heard the term "liquid assets"?
I saw on the News that Sainsburys and Asda are going to merge!
I wonder how this will affect our respective stores?
We do most of our shopping at Sainsburys.
I only caught the tail end of the News, so do not know the reasoning behind this merger?
I'll try to catch the News later on and see what is said.....

Hi, Chris!
I was thinking of you this morning......
There has been a point just been set up near my hairdressers, for charging electric cars.
I know you bought an electric car some time ago.
How are you finding it?
How practical is it proving to be?
Pros and cons?
20774 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 21:41
Hello, Elle!
I do not know how the merging of the stores will work, though Sainsbury say their prices will drop, and I think Walmart are trying to back away from ASDA.
It appears to be for cost cutting
There is an ALDI going to open in the next field to my ASDA next year.
I am looking forward to that.
It is many years since I was in a Sainsbury store.
There is one on the other side of town.
I really like my ASDA though, and the staff are very friendly.
The Wednesday puzzle is usually quite tricky, I think.
20775 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 21:42
Hi elle
It's been perfect for me - it's range is about 120 miles, and I don't need to go further than that.
This year's model has a greater range, though - I'll upgrade in a couple of years.
20776 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2018, 10:26
Good morning, Rusty!
We are back to rain again....altho' it is a tad warmer.
We had a divergence from the norm this morning!
The police were out patrolling the park, checking on responsible dog ownership!
My dog was commended for her excellent behaviour!
I did tell the policeman that it was the cyclists they should be checking on.... a dog walker nearly got mowed down by an errant cyclist...riding well above the mandatory 5 mph...with no bell......and no voice either, apparently!
Still, it all enlivens our morning!
20777 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2018, 10:41
Good morning, Elle!
Rain and wind here. Not nice!
Well done, doggie!
And you shopped a cyclist?
Tut, tut!
I am home for a while. Going out later, hopefully the rain will ease.
Got soaked earlier!
Just finished my puzzle.
3d was my last one.
Was convinced it was "Trojan something" but it wasn't!
Took me a while to see the parse in 22a, but saw it eventually and thought it was an excellent clue!
Well done, the setter!
20778 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2018, 11:47
Hi, Rusty!
It sounds as though we have similar weather!
I rather suspect ours is set in for the day.
I am planning on a second walk later, regardless, but not until mid afternoon.
I hope the rain stops for you........where are you off to?
You have done your crossword early today?
Sometimes you like to save it for teatime.
I am behind times this morning....I am just about to print mine out.
( I shall bear in mind that it isn't "trojan something" for 3d!)
I need a coffee first.....
20779 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2018, 12:06
Hello, Elle!
Rain stopped here! Still dull, though.
I am going to see my cobbler.
And another one or two things.
An hour should see it done.
Yes, I usually do my puzzle much later.
But lately I have started it in the morning.
I should add, I have 16d, but part of the parse escapes me.
I'll revisit it later.
20780 of 30765  -   Report This Post