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30th April 2018, 15:21
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you!
The word "jobsworth" was new to me - I had never heard it used before.
Uhm, I should have known "vide" from its Latin origins.
I just didn't see it!
And I have never heard of "ogam"!
I have had to consult Chambers.
Not a good day for me!
It sounds as though you got all your paperwork sorted successfully, if you were headed out for the post box!
Dog and I have been in the garden - still very wet...and soooo.... cold.....
I am venturing no further!
20761 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 16:06
Hello Elle,

You and I are having the same kind of weather; just back from
shopping at Super U, and in my friend's car, the thermometer
indicated either 5 or 6 C, depending on wind gusts; the wind IS
very cold and it is raining on top of it!

I usually walk down town on the 1st May and get some Lilly of the Valley, but I reckon I won't bother tomorrow!
Anyhow, I have a couple of stems of the flower, kindly offered to every female customer at Super U - A very nice commercial gesture!

I am having soup for my evening meal!
20762 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 16:46
Hello, Elle!
I had an idea you would know "vide", being well educated.
I have a vague memory of Ronnie Hilton singing "Veni, Vidi, Vici."
"Vidi", I presume, is past tense, meaning "I saw".
The phrase means "I came, I saw, I conquered."
"Jobsworth" is fairly well known.
The phrase it comes from is "that would be more than my job's worth."
I am slightly surprised you don't know "ogam".
I believe the Druids used it long ago, not that you are ages with the Druids, of course!
Is that your puzzle complete now?
Yes, the paperwork was straightforward.
I do this each new tax year, to save tax.
Move my money around!
Well, it is a lovely afternoon here but not as warm as it has been.
20763 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 17:50
Hi, Rusty!
All this rain has reminded me that I need to order some more StormSure Glue.
Wonderful stuff!
I have repaired both my wellies and my Nubucks with it.
Yes, I have completed the puzzle now, with your help!
That has put me in mind of the Beatles song...."I get by with a little help from my friends".........sung, I think, by Ringo?
Although written by John and Paul.
I shall now have an earworm......!
My favourite clues were 1a: "adjacent" and 23a: "obsequious".
My daughter rang on her way home from work ...and unfortunately I missed her!
I was out in the garden.......with the dog and the rain!
I shall ring her back later, when she has had time to collect YB from nursery and get home.
And get a report on BB's sore eye!

Hello, Pigale!
I think the giving of the Lily of the Valley flowers sounds to be a lovely custom!
We have something similar here at our local church on Mothers' Day.
All the mums get a small bunch of daffodils given to them by their children!
20764 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 18:29
Hello, Elle!
That glue is very good for boot repairs!
Yes, some very good clues today,
I liked the puzzle!
I am sure BB's eye will be back to normal by now!
Still a lovely afternoon here, but cooler.
Think I may have a browse on YouTube!
20765 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 19:47
Hi, Rusty!
The latest report is that BB's eye is still sore, but his vision is hopefully all good!
Brrh! it is very cold though..........
Probably we are just feeling the extreme difference between our previous temperatures in the high twenties and today's maximum 5C!
The rain has at least temporarily ceased.
Did you find anything of interest on YouTube?.
20766 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 07:54
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
Has your weather improved. yet?
I am sure BB and his eye will be fine!
I watched several interesting things on YouTube.
It is a very good site, I think.
Just off to get my paper now.
20767 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 09:42
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
We have a lovely day here, too!
As the song goes.,,,,,,
" What a difference a day makes
Twenty-four little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers
Where there used to be rain......."
Dinah Washington?
Right, I am away now to get my hair trimmed!
Then into Bromley to do some shopping.
Back about lunch time!
20768 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 14:44
Hi, Rusty!
I am home again now......
I have had an inch cut off my hair!
And have had a successful shopping trip.
A good day's achievement so far.
I have just made a coffee and now will belatedly take a look at the crosswords.
Incredibly the sun is still shining!
20769 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2018, 19:08
Good evening, Elle!
A good day you had!
I have been out a lot of the day.
One or two wee tasks to perform.
Good puzzle today.
27a is new to me, and so is 7d and 15d.
One or two where I winged it with the parsing, not quite getting the setter's drift, but seems to be fine.
It has turned cooler this evening.
We were scraping frost from windscreens this morning!
20770 of 30765  -   Report This Post