Hello, Elle!
I had an idea you would know "vide", being well educated.
I have a vague memory of Ronnie Hilton singing "Veni, Vidi, Vici."
"Vidi", I presume, is past tense, meaning "I saw".
The phrase means "I came, I saw, I conquered."
"Jobsworth" is fairly well known.
The phrase it comes from is "that would be more than my job's worth."
I am slightly surprised you don't know "ogam".
I believe the Druids used it long ago, not that you are ages with the Druids, of course!
Is that your puzzle complete now?
Yes, the paperwork was straightforward.
I do this each new tax year, to save tax.
Move my money around!
Well, it is a lovely afternoon here but not as warm as it has been.