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8th April 2018, 18:10
Hi, Rusty!
It has been raining constantly all day here - very miserable.
I've looked in a few times to check on the ospreys......
I am doubting that I am looking at a live picture?
It is surely a recording?
It seems highly unlikely that the osprey would stand for so long in the same position on the edge of the nest with its head turned away........
That is good that Pete Sagan won!
Thank you for the link showing him receiving the cobble stone.
But how dreadful for the poor young man who had the heart attack....
Did he have the cardiac arrest first and crash as a result?
Or was it the other way round?
Any news on his condition?
It is a cruel sport.
Yes, Ruti is fantastic, isn't she?
She is a student at a Performing Arts School, and is also a part-time carer for a disabled lady, who was there to support Ruti alongside her family.
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8th April 2018, 18:26
Hello, Elle!
I have not seen the nest since morning.
I have noticed for a while now that the sound is out of synch with the visual picture.
I just had to let you see the prize was a cobblestone.
Folk don't believe me when I tell them!
Yes, a terrible misfortune to Michael Goolaerts.
I suspect the fact that he was riding on his own suggests he may have been in some difficulty.
Then had a cardiac arrest and crashed.
I could be completely wrong of course, but that is what it suggests to me.
I have not heard any more.
I do not accept that cycling is a cruel sport.
It is a great sport and all the participants love the bike game.
It can be a very tough sport, though.
Ruti has great hair!
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8th April 2018, 20:04
Hi, Rusty!
I have just looked in on the osprey nest again.
Two birds in residence now......
One is definitely Lassie.
Dare I hope the other is Laddie?
It is certainly not the bird that both Pigale and I saw the other evening mating with Lassie...
This one does not have distinctive white stripes across his tail.
I do wish the Rangers would update us !
Perhaps I used too strong a word when I called cycle racing "cruel"?
Rough, dangerous?
So many incidents happen that cause injury.....potentially serious at that.
I think that Ruti has a great future ahead of her!
I have been listening yet again to her singing.
Are you now watching the golf?
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8th April 2018, 21:03
Hello, Elle!
The rangers were more interested in frog spawn today, according to their Tweets.
Bike racing can be very tough and it can be a bit dicey, but not cruel.
Everybody on a bike wants to be there.
I think it is a great sport.
I have the golf on now.
Very enjoyable....and no crashes!
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8th April 2018, 21:39
Hello Elle and Rusty,

If I may add my thoughts - many other sports can be rough,
potentially dangerous, even in Athletics, rugby, any horse
sports, skiing, car racing etc...
The point is not to watch it expecting to see a crash - and when
it happens, it is not pleasant, no, but the competitors know the
risks they take.

As for that poor lad with the cardiac arrest, there is nothing
to indicate at present that a crash was responsible for this -
A lot of people are involved in crashes and don't suffer cardiac
arrest - perhaps he had a weak heart, or ......?
Apparently he is still in a critical condition.
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8th April 2018, 21:58
PS - BTW Elle, I have a feeling that the bird with Lassie was
indeed Laddie - just a feeling mind, can't quite be 100% sure, but
it could have been him - let's hope!
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8th April 2018, 22:04
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been reading on the News that may not be doing the next adult series of "The Voice".
He will do the kids' version, but may stop after that, the reason being that preparation for the show takes up a lot of his time, and he has had no time for his own musical career.
He alone has continually been a coach, since the beginning of the show.
I can see his point...but I hope he doesn't leave.
I think he is great, and adds a lot to the show's character.
Right....I went back to the last few parses I'd missed on today's ST crossword.....
You are right..........coming back to them after a time works wonders!
All done and dusted now!
How is your golf progressing?

Hello, Pigale!
You are quite right, of course, very many sports - professionally or otherwise - are rough, and accidents can and will always happen.
It is not the gory details that trouble me if an accident happens, rather that I am constantly on edge waiting for an incident to occur..
This is why I do not watch the cycle racing.
Yes, let us hope it was Laddie - and at least it wasn't "Mr Striped Tail"!
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8th April 2018, 22:12
Elle, this is precisely what I would prefer you not to be : on edge
waiting for an incident to occur - if you manage to get rid of this
fear, perhaps you will enjoy watching, at least, the mountainous
stages of the Tour, if only for the scenery.

Does your daughter take after you regarding her migraines? I
mean is she as prone to them as you seem to be?
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8th April 2018, 22:16
Hello, Elle!
The bike riders are used to crashes!
Part of the game.
But today was different.
We do not know what happened.
There is no more news from Lille.
Now, you have me at a disadvantage.
I do not know at all!
Unusual name?
Yes, often, or most times, when you return to a clue, you can see what you did not twig before.
Golf is great!
Just a pity it is on so late!
20399 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2018, 22:40
Hello, Pigale!
My daughter and I suffer from different types of I am not sure if there is any connection.
Mine are the "aura" type, so I always have a visual warning.
And are caused by light variations......such as flashing lights, flickering sunlight through trees , this type of thing.
My meds, taken promptly at the onset of an aura, can usually stop the headache part developing. ..or at worst lessen the pain considerably.
My attacks are far less frequent and much lighter, than when I was younger.
My daughter's migraines are the non-aura type, and so she is into the headache pain before she can take any medication.
She does not seem to have any particular trigger, either, for her migraines.
The type of tablets needed vary , too
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