Hi, Rusty!
I have just been reading on the News that Will.i.am may not be doing the next adult series of "The Voice".
He will do the kids' version, but may stop after that, the reason being that preparation for the show takes up a lot of his time, and he has had no time for his own musical career.
He alone has continually been a coach, since the beginning of the show.
I can see his point...but I hope he doesn't leave.
I think he is great, and adds a lot to the show's character.
Right....I went back to the last few parses I'd missed on today's ST crossword.....
You are right..........coming back to them after a time works wonders!
All done and dusted now!
How is your golf progressing?
Hello, Pigale!
You are quite right, of course, very many sports - professionally or otherwise - are rough, and accidents can and will always happen.
It is not the gory details that trouble me if an accident happens, rather that I am constantly on edge waiting for an incident to occur..
This is why I do not watch the cycle racing.
Yes, let us hope it was Laddie - and at least it wasn't "Mr Striped Tail"!