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20th March 2018, 09:13
Good morning, Rosalind!
Laddie landed earlier than usual last year, so I would not worry about him just yet.
Lassie is slightly earlier this year.
Last year she arrived at the loch on the 23rd of March, about a week after Laddie arrived.
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20th March 2018, 10:24
Good morning, Rusty!
A dry , frost-free morning. Still cold.
How exciting to see Lassie on the nest!
Yes, it is indeed Lassie.
Her Y-shaped facial marking is very clear to see.
The rangers et al were cutting it very fine, with their fixing of the webcam.
Let us hope that all repairs are lasting now the osprey are actually arriving........
Fingers crossed for the safe and speedy arrival of Laddie, now.
Miss ATW will be in Singapore and with her friend by now, won't she?
Have you heard any more from her?
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20th March 2018, 10:48
Good morning, Elle!
Lovely morning here!
Has your snow gone?
Great to see Lassie again!
She has been moving sticks about in the nest.
Yes, hope Laddie is not far behind her!
The webcam appears to be operating properly now.
So, well done the rangers and team!
Miss ATW's aeroplane has landed at Singapore.
I texted a WhatsApp message to her, but no reply, so far.
She will need wi-fi access.
And she can not be texting everybody!
I may hear from my grandson how his big sister is doing.
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20th March 2018, 11:25
Testing .....
My live Screenshot from early this morning
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20th March 2018, 11:47
Hi Rusty

Thanks. I watched a kite at close quarters (I could see individual wing feathers) hunting over a field and landing this morning. Fantastic colours. Very cold, though
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20th March 2018, 12:51
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear, I am having some technical problems with my computer this morning.........
Yes, the snow has all gone from our garden.....although there are still some remnants to be seen on the higher ground in the park.
The lakes are no longer frozen though.
Lassie seems to be rearranging her nest to her satisfaction......
She will be looking out for Laddie presumably.
Let us hope he joins her soon.
I am awaiting a pet food hourly time slot is 13.52 and 14.52
I love the exactitude!
This is normally very useful, as then one can plan one's day....
But it didn't, of course, work for me this morning as my computer has been down, and I have only just found out the delivery time!
Ah well, not long to wait now, as it happens!
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20th March 2018, 14:28
Hello, Elle!
Goodness, technical problems?
Is it behaving now?
I have always thought computers very user unfriendly things.
Yes, I watched Lassie titivating up the nest.
We shall have to be patient awaiting Laddie.
I was out for a walk.
A very pleasant day outside.
This must be Spring at last!
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20th March 2018, 16:45
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Hope all is fine with you both!

I've been thinking !!! (I know, it's hard to believe!)

7.28am sounds somewhat early for Lassie to arrive, in comparison with other years - so, I am wondering if she has not been in the vicinity for a day or so, watching the goings on, and on seeing nobody in view for a while, then decided to reclaim her nest -
What do you all think?

Blue sky and sun here, but also North wind so quite cold yet!
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20th March 2018, 17:21
Hello, Pigale!
Blue sky and sun here, too!
Not sure about Lassie.
I think she would fly straight in to her nest, just in case there was another female in the vicinity.
We have to remember that the previous chicks from say four or five years ago will be migrating North, too.
They will be hoping to breed and the loch is a perfect place with lots of fish in the vicinity.
I saw Lassie with a trout earlier!
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20th March 2018, 17:28
Hi, Rusty!
Well, the computer is still a bit iffy.......but I am coping for now.
I have just looked in on Lassie...still alone in the nest.
I wonder if she might be somewhat concerned by Laddie's absence , if normally he arrives before her?
I hope you enjoyed your walk?
We popped out for a little while, as soon as the pet food delivery had arrived, which it did towards the end of its scheduled time slot.
It has been a lovely is good to see some sunshine.
Today is technically the first day of Spring!
Although I must admit that I have never grasped why this had to change from March 21st?

Hello, Pigale!
Uhm....I'm not sure about your theory!
I would rather have thought that, had Lassie seen humans around the nest, she would have been permanently deterred from using it ...,,,rather than honing in to take quick possession?
But then, I know next to noting about birds and their habits..........

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