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20th March 2018, 21:23
Hello again, Jazzgirl,
Once the eggs are laid Lassie will rarely leave them, usually if Laddie is there to look after them.
Last year at Loch Garten there was a tragedy, when the male bird, Odin, disappeared, and the female, EJ, would not leave the chicks to catch fish.
The chicks died.
Some folk wanted the rangers to intervene and feed the chicks, but they would not, as this is what happens in the wild.
19951 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 21:31
That is so sad, rusty, and nature can be cruel.

Some of my family in Adelaide, OZ are now interested in the Osprey webcam, but the internet is so very slow there. They say it is the slowest in the World. Texts and quick messages are rapidly received, but things like webcams are almost impossible to watch.
19952 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 21:34
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I was ahead of you with that one, Rusty!
I already had written the details briefly outlined on a piece of paper, in readiness to give to her son, should such an opportunity arise.......but the lady did not want to take it from me!
She simply said instead that she would send her son round to see us.
I had to accept that.
Thames Water have no contact details for him.... they were under the erroneous impression that the house still belonged to the previous ( now deceased) owner.
I put them right about that, and they said they were going to contact the Land Registry for an update on ownership.
That is the last that I heard of the matter.
Meanwhile we still wait...
Any word from Miss ATW?
19953 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 21:41
Hi, Chris!
I've just noticed that you queried whether Laddie has a similar "Y" marking on his forehead.
No he doesn't , which is how we have always been able to tell them apart.
19954 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 21:42
Hello, Elle!
No flies on you, eh!
Thames Water are bound to have the solution.
This will have happened before and they will know how to proceed.
The burden should not fall on you, is my humble opinion.
No word from Singapore1
Now, you watch "The Voice" and these singing shows, that I avoid.
I came across this clip from Sweden's Got Talent, and was quite impressed with this young man.
What do you think?
19955 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 21:43
Oh Lordy Lordy!
Talk of Nature being cruel! One of my cats has just brought in a
very young mouse, and of course she and her daughter are now
playing as a team against the poor little baby mouse;
I've been trying to get in the game to, at least, knock out the poor
mouse, but this thing is so quick!
I think it will just get tired and give in.
19956 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 21:45
er....... the 'she and her daughter' referred to my cat, not the mouse!
19957 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 21:51
It's me again !

In case anyone is interested in Barn Owls, here is a link to
Dorset Wild Life Trust set up - The mother and father who
raised 5 baby owls last year have taken residence in the box
and one of them was in the box when I just looked.
Not sure when they lay eggs, but last year it was fascinating to
watch them hatch! Later they all were big balls of white fluff!

Hope it works

19958 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 22:25
Hi, Rusty!
Well, the only reason I myself have been trying to contact the son is to hasten matters along.
The workmen cannot come to find and rectify the leak until all this is sorted.
Such a waste of water!
I reiterate........thank goodness we are not having to pay for it!
Now, the young man on Sweden's Got Talent?
He seems a pleasant lad; it was a pitiful tale he told of being an Azerbaijani refugee and wanting to live in Sweden.
But I do not think such facts should influence the judges' decision as to his talent?
Indeed, I do not think the judges - or the public - should learn of this at all?
Also, the choice of song was such as to emphasis the situation (I read all the subtitles)
I was sorry for him as an individual, but didn't like the stress on the (political) situation, nor was I all that blown away by his voice.
You speak of " The Voice: UK".....
There, the judges hear the singer unseen (hence the title of the show) and without at that stage learning any personal details.
They judge purely on the quality of "the voice".
Having said all that though...I am not unsympathetic .....I hope the outcome is good for the young man.

Hello, Pigale!
My cats would never kill anything hat they brought in ...we would have to live with mice peeping out from under the piano.......and frogs hopping around the kitchen.......
Thank for the link on the barn owls......... I followed them last year.
19959 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th March 2018, 23:18
Hello, Elle!
I understand you are trying to hasten matters along, but I think you should leave it to Thames Water.
It is not your place to be chasing folk up.
Thames Water know the situation and I am sure can deal with it.
You have presented them with the facts as you know them, now let them get on with it.
I asked if you thought the lad was a good singer, that's all.

19960 of 30765  -   Report This Post