There is no way that elderly people should be expected to lift a
cover with a screwdriver in the middle of the street! Even if it appears easy, I don't think it should be their responsibility!
The meter should be at least in your own garden, or even better
in your garage or similar place. First, this protects the meter in a much more efficient way when in sub-zero temperatures. Second, there is no need for a so-called light metal cover to be put on top. Metal IS heavy.
Third, I don't understand why it should be the consumer's responsibility to read his/her metre once or twice a year - We used to have Water Metre techniciens going from house to house to read the metre - otherwise, how do the Water Board know for sure that you are not cheating on your reading?
About three years ago, all the metres were gradually changed and we now have 'intelligent metres', meaning that the WB can read it
straight from their headquarters - It is accurate, no one can cheat
and no one has the bind of either reading it personnally, or waiting
for the technicien to arrive (within a given time fork, and they always
did come during said time fork)
Our metres are ALWAYS within our property and we are only responsible for the pipes from said metre.
My metre is inside my garage, and I am NOT responsible for any
leakage that might take place between this metre and my garden
boundary which happens to be some 50 metres away! the WB is
responsible for this.
A big difference with your system! and I have always known water
metres! Never were we charged in a different manner.