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14th March 2018, 13:45
Well, this is getting too complicated for my little head!
I am just glad of our system here!

However, I wonder if there could be a difference in the 'standards'
between your area JG and that of Elle's?
I mean is standard nationwide?
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14th March 2018, 13:53
Elle and I are both with the same Water company.
The meters for domestic property are between 5 and 8 inches but
larger for where the larger property needs more pressure (e.g. hotel) or for irrigation purposes.
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14th March 2018, 14:06
Well JG, in that case, I am totally confused!

As I said, I am glad of our own system! Good luck with your own
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14th March 2018, 14:29
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, you obviously have a cup that is half full......mine is always half empty!
My faith in any sort of officialdom died a long time ago.
You will be watching the racing by now.......I have just noticed the time.
How is it going?
Well, you now have the rest of your week mapped out for you with all your visitors!
That is nice!
The friend with whom I usually have lunch on Thursdays (only two of us remaining from "Ladies who Lunch") is in New York visiting her daughter.
So I have no outing tomorrow!
Other, that is , than visiting the vet in the morning!
Now...the TW man just phoned...he is on his way......
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14th March 2018, 14:40
Hello, Elle!
Racing going well, though Ruby has just had a nasty fall.
He only came back last week after several months out.
After the first two races have gone to Irish trainers, the score in the Prestbury Cup is, GB 4 Ireland 5.
Long way to go, yet!
I think you and Mr Thames Water will get on fine!
Yes, I am looking forward to seeing the young ones, though my visit seems to be taking second place to La Bamba's eyelashes!
No sign of Laddie yet!
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14th March 2018, 17:50
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear, that is hard lines for Ruby Walsh.
Do you know what damage he has suffered?
So Willie will have to find another jockey to cover Ruby's rides?
Do the trainers have "reserve" jockeys standing by "just in case" of mishaps?
(You can tell I know nothing about horse racing!)
The TW man was extremely pleasant and helpful.
A very nice man.
( We all had tea and cakes! )
His job today was simply to establish that there is indeed a leak, and to see if he could find where the connecting pipe might lie.
He thinks it might run outside along the side of the house, so the next workman to come will dig holes there to ascertain its presence!
If possible, access-wise, the entire pipe will be replaced .
That will be a good thing!
The existing pipes are lead, and one hundred and forty years old!
Now, the water meter apparently is a Smart meter - no one had told us that - and so it will not be necessary, after all, for us to access the meter in order to check for leaks!
The Water Board will be able to see that directly for themselves, and will get a repair man out to us straightaway, should a leak occur.
So...once the whereabouts of the leak has been found...and the pipe replaced, we may be set fair!
There IS a fairy godmother after all!
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14th March 2018, 18:02
Hi Elle
I am glad it is all sorted. You can relax now.
I hope we get smart meters here too.
I have been chatting to a neighbour and he says a lot our ancient pipework in this road and nearby roads is due to be replaced some time this year.
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14th March 2018, 18:10
Basically yes, JG, thank goodness.
I am hoping for damage all depends where the connecting pipe is......
We may end up having all our frontage dug up!
I expect you will get the Smart water meters , too.
The TW official said it is becoming common practice to install them.
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14th March 2018, 18:46
Hello, Elle!
Ruby has a suspected broken leg, the same leg that was broken previously.
He only came back six days ago, so very hard luck.
Now, Ruby is Willie's stable jockey. The number one.
His second stable jockey is Paul Townend, and he also uses Danny Mullins, and son, Patrick Mullins.
And occasionally, Katie Walsh, Nina, Davy Russell, etc.
All excellent jockeys.
Paul Townend will likely deputise for Ruby for the rest of the Festival.
Accidents happen in racing, and Willie is well used to shuffling jockeys around after a fall, say.
And just in case you wondered why it's "Ruby", his given name is Rupert, but he is Ruby to one and all!
I just knew you and Mr Thames Water would get on famously!
And it's tea and cakes, is it? Folk get a great welcome in Bromley!
And all this worrying for nothing!
Things seemed to have gone very well.
The smart water meter seems a good idea!
Now, the ospreys.
Ospreys have been seen above counties, Hampshire, Dorset, Derbyshire, Northants, and seem to be heading North.
One was seen above Kirkcaldy (50 miles South of the Loch) two days ago, and seemed to be heading for Loch Leven, a great trout water.
That possibly could be one of our birds!
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14th March 2018, 19:07
Update, Elle!
To give you an idea of the strength in depth of Willie's team,
He trained the first three home in the last race at Cheltenham.
Katie Walsh (Ruby's sister) rode the winner, Danny Mullins rode the second, and Paul Townend was aboard the third placed horse.
Willie walks on water!
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