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14th March 2018, 07:31
My water bill went down hugely when we got a meter- currently £20 a month. I don't know what they would be now, but the last water bill before the meter, 15 years ago, was £50 a month. There were more people living here then, one very keen on long showers!

The latest Windows 10 update caused chaos last night. I got a grey screen and "Personal details not recognised" or words to that effect. I switched everything off as I have been told before. When I tried to log on again today I got another grey screen. I switched off everything and waited an hour. Then I did a restart from the start screen and waited. Bingo! Microsoft is pants.

I am going to Cheltenham today, rusty, but well away from the racecourse. The friend I am visiting used to live at Prestbury!
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14th March 2018, 08:26
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
Yes, you are correct, it is "dowsing"!
Just for curiosity, ask the Thames Water lad if they use dowsing?
I am curious, or do I mean inquisitive?
I have never seen dowsing in action.
I am not sure if Thames Water's leak charge system is fair or not, but on the face of it, it seems reasonable?
Water leaks are no good to either you or Thames Water.

Good morning, Rosalind!
I hope your travel arrangements are geared to miss the crowds travelling to the races!
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14th March 2018, 08:51
The trouble is you cannot see your meter and you don't know until you get a huge bill if you have a leak or not.

I don't know about the racegoing crowds, rusty, but I have been to Cheltenham before on a race day without problems. I only touch the near edge of the town, and go a back way. Here's hoping!
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14th March 2018, 10:11
Hello Rosalind,

Should you have a leak, and therefore a huge bill, and you don't
know about it, I assume it is somewhere in the pipes out of the house?
I mean between house and the boundary of your property?

Doesn't your house insurance cover you for any leak inside the house?
Here, for any leak outdoors, the Water board offers a very reasonable
insurance to cover the cost of their digging trenches to find a
possible leakage in the pipes from house to boundary.

Mind you, that does not do much for the upset of having a trench
made in your garden!
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14th March 2018, 10:17
PS - I forgot to say that the meters are either indoors or, if they
are in the garden, they are fitted in a 'regard' - type of inspection
hole' which has to be extremely well insulated with thick polystyrene.

My meter has recently been changed to what they call a 'clever' meter,
which means that they can read it from their headquarters, as opposed
to having to come and read it twice a year as it was before. It works
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14th March 2018, 10:20
Hello Rusty and Elle,

Beautiful day here - 14C and barely a breeze. Have to make the
most of it because the rest of week looks to be miserable!

I Just checked the Osprey site and I think they have moved the
camera somewhat - seems better to me, would you agree?
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14th March 2018, 10:28
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here...mildish (7C) with blue sky and sunshine!
Now, ongoing Water Board Saga......
We do not have a leak inside the house.......if we did, it would be our responsibility to fix it and pay for it.
The leak is supposedly in the pipe connecting the (newly installed ) outside water meter and our indoor stopcock.
The Water Board will repair this connecting pipe for free, but we (the householders) would have to pay for any wasted water due to leakage.
Fair enough, one might say?
Ah, but here comes the rub.......
In order to offset the possibility of huge bills due to unsuspected leaks, we (the householders) are advised to check routinely one's water meter by taking regular readings
To do this, one of course needs access to the meter.......
It is out in the street; the guy coming to deal with it had a special implement for raising the cover........and it took him some time and effort tor wrestle with this to get it off!
So we have NO MEANS of monitoring our water output ourselves , and checking on whether we might have a leak for which we would eventually be billed - for probably hundreds of pounds as so far the meter at the last count was showing that we have lost 55,000 plus litres!
(that is 13,750 gallons )
We shall see what this afternoon's visit brings.......

I would warn anyone likely to find themselves in the position of either having the choice, or of being forced, into having a water meter fitted, to look into this very carefully, so as to be aware of their rights.
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14th March 2018, 10:54
Hello, Elle!
Don't take such a pessimistic view until you see the Thames Water man.
I am sure you will get sound advice on a sensible way forward.
I am just home.
Had a wee spree in Greggs!
Got a tuna crunch baguette, two sausage rolls, a steak bake, a spicy chicken and pepperoni bake, and a tub of red berry porridge.
Was in Lidl, too.
From Sunday they have in loads of walking gear.
Boots, jackets, trousers, etc. Very cheap. Worth a look, Elle?
I got their catalogue supplement thingy, but it it could well be on line, too.
Now for a read of the paper.
Then see what Willie (walks on water) Mullins is up to today!
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14th March 2018, 10:57
Good morning, Pigale!
All seems good at the loch!
Should be an arrival in the next day or two!
Fine day here but an edge to the wind.
19719 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th March 2018, 11:02
Hello Elle,

I can now understand your worry! This is totally unsatisfactory -
I thought your meter was within your property and readily
accessible, like ours is.

Otherwise, the benefit of having your own meter, as I see it, would
be to stop you paying a similar bill to that of one of your neighbours
who might use three times as much water as you do. This is what
I meant.
19720 of 30765  -   Report This Post