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12th March 2018, 19:49
Good evening, Rusty!
So how did your day go?
I hope you managed to do all that you had planned?
Yes, it was good to get a prompt response - albeit a stereotyped version - from the Scottish Wildlife Trust..
It did set out, very clearly, exactly what was happening on the Osprey site, which is good to know..
And I appreciated the individual (if brief) reply I received later!
Let us now hope for prompt and effective action!
We should have had a visit from a Thames Water Board representative - again - this afternoon.
This time for him to "trace" the mysterious leak!
Bu no.... the appointment has now been changed till Wednesday afternoon.
My patience is running thin.......
And speaking of water.........
It is STILL pouring down here!
(I should have bought those waterproof trousers!)
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12th March 2018, 20:42
Hello, Elle!
Trespass is a good shop for outdoor gear, too, at sensible prices.
Have a look online.
Been a fine day here.
I missed most of the afternoon though, at the hospital.
I am pleased you heard from the Wildlife folks.
I think they are doing their best, though.
Sure, it will all be worth the inconveniences of the past few months.
Yes, you will be glad when Thames Water traces the leak.
Any advance with Michael Morpurgo?
Cheltenham tomorrow !!!
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12th March 2018, 21:31
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we have a Trespass , too, in Bromley....they tend, though, to be on the expensive side....
I bought my waterproofed padded coat and my Nubucks from there.
I shall have to have a serious shopping expedition!
Go from shop to shop to see what is on offer!
I didn't realise that you were going to the hospital.
Was it for a routine check.........or something new?
Are you okay?
I have made no decisions yet about books...
But I have just been give an Amazon voucher for Mother's Day from my younger!
Which horse (s) are you supporting tomorrow?
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12th March 2018, 22:07
Hello, Elle!
You must have a high class Trespass in Bromley!
They are known for sensible prices.
Yes, just a routine check at hospital.
Had a colonoscopy.
I am perfectly fine, thank you, was just a bit sleepy when I returned.
I have not to drive, or boil a kettle for 24 hours!
I have already backed Getabird in the opener, a few days ago.
One of Willie Mullins, and Ruby Walsh is aboard.
But there are some very good ones opposing him.
I have not selected any others yet, but one of my favourite horses runs tomorrow, too, Apples Jade.
So, I'll read the racing pages tomorrow and see what's what.
It's exciting stuff!
And I have a wee bet on Peter Sagan to win Milan-San Remo on Saturday.
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12th March 2018, 22:29
Hi, Rusty!
I bought my padded coat (I use it for dog-walking) from Trespass when the price had been slashed about three times!
I know that their prices are always apparently "reduced"......but if one keeps an eye on proceedings, the cost does sometimes carry on going down!
I paid £43 for a coat that started off about £169!
And I had seen it at that initial wasn't a scam!
But some basic stuff is dear compared with, say, Milletts.
I hope the Colonoscopy results will be ok - when do you next have to see the Consultant?
Or will the results go to your GP?
Yes, behave and follow your doing anything you shouldn't, before you should!
You are going to have fun with the racing!
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12th March 2018, 22:38
Hello, Elle!
I got my results home with me.
The nurses explained them to me.
Two polyps removed and I have diverticulosis.
The polyps go for analysis.
But everything seems fine.
The doctor was pleased and the nurses were super!
I am a bit weary now, though!
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12th March 2018, 23:08
Hi, Rusty!
The Scottish NHS certainly seems to work more quickly and efficiently than does ours.
It is rare to be told a result on the spot here.
Usually, the patient has to wait to see the doctor to get the results.
Diverticulosis is pouches in the colon, isn't it?
It doesn't usually cause any problems, unless it develops into diverticulitis.
Were you advised to eat a high -fibre diet?
I hope the polyps analysis goes ok...... you've had this done before though , haven't you?
If you are feeling tired, have an early night?
Sleep in a bit in the morning?
Take things easy!!
19677 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th March 2018, 08:00
Good morning, Elle!
I am a huge fan of the Scottish NHS.
They are just super.
I have been given the report complete with diagram of where the polyps were, and where the diverticulosis is, and yes, told to eat a bit more fibre.
I am certain the polyps analysis will be fine.
The surgeon "practically" told me that, but they will go to the lab for testing.
Now, if they could only sort out the car parking at hospital!
19678 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th March 2018, 10:19
Good morning, Rusty!
Somewhat surprisingly, our local weather forecast was wrong!
No rain!
We have a beautiful day here! Blue sky and sunshine!
I am just back from my walk.
Yes, the Scottish NHS seems impressive.
I remember your once going on the wrong day - possibly even the wrong week? - to one of your appointments...... and the staff tracked down your Consultant in the hospital....... and she saw you anyway!
Now that would never happen here!
The patient would simply have to go away, and come back again on the right day at the right time!
Mind its defence , the English NHS is very overburdened!
When we go to our local hospital, we leave the car in the neighbouring Sainbury's car park.
It is cheaper and there are usually spaces!
Is there not a supermarket near the hospital?
Right.....I am about to repair a split in my Welly.........
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13th March 2018, 10:46
Great Tit on the nest again ... right side on an upright twig
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