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22nd March 2017, 10:26
Only when there are eggs laid.
They tried hard to get them last year but were usually chased away.
12921 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 16:32
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I have had a great day with my daughter and young grandson.
It was a lovely idea to extend an invitation to grandmothers to attend this week's Sensory session!
We had cakes and biscuits to celebrate Mothers' Day!
I am listening yet again to Linda and Johnny as I write this!
You are right , it is beautifully sung.
I should have cottoned on about the Carters, as I did know that Johnny Cash was married to a June Carter ("Walk the Line" )
I just didn't put two and two together!
I have just seen a newsflash......
That is a bad business about the Parliament terrorist incident up in Westminster, isn't it?
The stabbing of the policeman and the mowing down of five people on Westminster Bridge........
We shall probably learn more about it later on, as the investigation develops.
It is a sad, sad world in which we live.......
12922 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 18:25
Good evening, Elle!
Well done on Granny's Day Out!
Cakes and biscuits?
You were very well treated!
Glad you liked the Johnny/Linda duet.
It was done live on Johnny Cash's Show.
I think over the years there were three generations of the Carter Family involved.
Mother Maybelle was perhaps the major figure in the group.
She developed the "Scratch" method of playing guitar, which was soon copied, and made guitar the leading instrument in many groups.
In later years June was known as June Carter Cash.
Yes, it is dreadful News coming from London.
I believe there are several dead.
Goodness knows where it will end!
You feel for folk with family in and around the vicinity.
Just awful!
12923 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 19:55
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it is dreadful sad for so many people affected.
And much worse than first came over on the News.
I have been fielding phone calls from anxious friends and relatives who were worried that one or more of the family might have been in the area..........
My cousin from Blackburn knew that I was going up to town (and would have been roughly in that vicinity) but not what day and so she has been concerned.
Fortunately for me, it was to be this coming Friday.
And we too shall be worried from now on, because our daughter works in London and travels up there every day.
As of course do hundreds of people.........
I know one cannot live one's life like that , being afraid......they say, do they not, that would be letting the terrorists win......but those thoughts must be there in so many people's heads.......
I feel so sorry for everyone involved.
12924 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 20:16
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you are correct.
London is a huge city and there will be folk living/working there from all over the country, and indeed, the world.
So, a worry for very many people.
I would say, just live normally, and travel to London, but be extra vigilant.
I do not think there is much more folk can do.
12925 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 21:14
Hi, Rusty!
No, indeed, you are right........
How was part two of your concert?
Did you find the time to watch it?
I have been playing catch up with "Eggheads" and "15 to 1".
I enjoy my daily dosage of quizzes!
I like it if I can equal, or even beat, an "Egghead" - a very rare occasion, I might add!
I have not had time even to print out today's crosswords........let alone do any.........
Were there any interesting clues?
Have you been to visit the horse today?
I was wondering if you made any further progress from yesterday's tentative steps?
12926 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 21:53
Hello, Elle!
The concert was great.
I liked Carmen Monarcha, and John Sheahan, especially.
There were favourite songs too, "The Red Rose Cafe", "Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves", "Last Rose of Summer", "Irish Washerwoman".
It was splendid!
Crossword not too bad, today.
No horse today.
My friends from across the water are staying nearby and I went to visit them instead of the horse.
Now, I have been exploring!
There is an American publication called the Dickson Baseball Dictionary.
And in it there is the phrase, a "Linda Ronstadt".
And the definition is, "a fast ball, a pitch that blew by you"
Do you get it? "Blew by you". Say it aloud?
It amused me, anyway!
12927 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 22:14
Hey, Rusty!
I didn't need to say it aloud!
I "got it" as soon as I read what you had put!
I like "Blue Bayou".
But how on earth did you come across the Dickson Baseball Dictionary?!
It seems a strange thing to "find"?
That is good that your friends from Ireland are here.
Are these the ones whom you usually go to visit over there?
In Donegal or Norn Iron?
Shall you go back with them?
You have mentioned taking a holiday over there sometime soon?
12928 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 22:48
Hello, Elle!
You can find anything on YouTube!
You are most perceptive!
I like dictionaries, though!
I was looking at Shorter Oxfords on eBay earlier.
Will have a look on Amazon tomorrow.
These friends are from Belfast.
They were not due to arrive until Friday but they have a relative in the high dependency unit at hospital here, and came over earlier.
I am going across in the better weather, on the boat.
I like on the boat.
And somebody will pick me up at Belfast when the boat lands.
It will be all organised!
At the concert "My Heart Will Go On" was played and it was very familiar.
I have a suspicion it was played in the film "Titanic"?
Have you ever seen the film?
12929 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd March 2017, 23:00
Elle, just a quicky to say how glad you were not anywhere near this part of London today!
I have only just read about on line after reading your exchange with Rusty;
Very sad for the poor innocents and dreadful foro for their relatives - and from what I read, some of the injured are in critical state....

Are the Police treating it as an act or terrorism, or as the doings of a single dangerous individual?
12930 of 30765  -   Report This Post