Hi, Rusty!
I have been doing some research.
There are apparently quite a number of slightly varying versions of "The Old Grey Goose".......
It is also entitled "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" and "Go Tell Aunt Nancy"!
The old gander suffers from different problems according to the version.........in one he is weeping and in another, he will not eat!
"The gander won't eat now, gander won't eat now,
Gander won't eat now because his wife is dead"
( Poor old gander.....well, at least he isn't crying into his food!)
It was, of course, a typing error....it should have read MARCH 29th for the triggering of Article 50!
I didn't understand why you were querying what I had said....... and had to look back to see what I had written!!
Sorry about that! Very careless of me!
My Scots relatives voted - as did the majority of East Dunbartonshire - to remain in the UK.
But I think some of them also want to stay in the EU........
So a conflict of interests?
Yes, your son is right about the snow coming, according to the radio....!