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21st March 2017, 08:52
@ Pigale post 12872

Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the baby owls. They are so sweet.
They remind me of a clue written for Joint Effort by Rosalind (please correct me if I misquote, it was a long time ago)

New towel, soft and fluffy. (5)
12891 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 10:10
No memory of that at all, rossim! Thank you.

I am having a bad time with white paintwork. I painted two doorframes with ordinary white gloss,ony to be told it would yellow "Next week" and advised to use satinwood. Did that, brush marks show, hasn't dried after 5 days. Now rying to find outwhat to do. EU rules apparently, changing the formulation.

Quite a breeze at the loch!
12892 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 10:17
Hi Rossim,

and thanks for the info about Easter! I know that Whitsum is 40 days after Easter but was unsure as to why Easter date changed from one year to the next.

Have you any idea how old these 'towels' might be?

I have not seen the mother yet; presume she comes and feed them?

There are 9 eggs in the tits nest above garage door!
12893 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 10:21
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a glorious day here - blue skies, sunshine - but bitterly cold!
From my being able to go out without a coat - on a couple of occasions! - I am now back to wearing a thick padded jacket and a scarf for my early morning walk with the dog!
But I like this weather !!
Give me a cold and brisk walk every time!
Have you been out for your paper? What is it like up your way?
Yes, of course I remember Mike Tomkies and Moobli - how could I forget?
I do not know of John Muir?
(unless he is a forbearer of Laura?!!)
Wasn't LBJ in some sort of trouble over the Vietnam War?
There was some sort of resolution passed by Congress that enabled him to use military force in Southeast Asia without having to ask for an official declaration of war.
There was a huge increase in American casualties as a result?
I will be interested to hear more about this when you read your book!
Now ....crossword time.......

Hello, Ros!
For what is worth - which may not be a lot! - we use white Satinwood, and are very pleased with it.
It does stay white!
12894 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 10:39
Hi elle

I had a look at the satinwood this morning and can see all the brushmarks.
Apparently Johnstones Trade Gloss is the way to go

O me miserum as we used to say in Latin class
12895 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 10:39
Les40 did an amazing job setting the Joint Effort crosswords and I loved being involved.

So much work went into compiling them that it would be great if some newbies gave them a go.

I looked in search and found this one (by pure chance it was the first I downloaded!).
Sure enough, Rosalind's clue is there 26D and I did misquote it. Sorry.
12896 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 10:42
Hello, Elle!
It is cold here.
Road conditions are fine here but a bit slippy on the West coast.
My family and friends across the water have snow today.
It is heading East so we may get it, too.
I am slightly surprised you do not know of John Muir.
He was a Scot who emigrated to the USA and became a great naturalist and environmentalist, especially in the preservation of forests. There is a "John Muir Trail" in the Sierra Nevada, and many other places have taken his name.
I always liked LBJ, a bit of a rascal!
There are many books on him, but one will do.
A "warts and all" one!
12897 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 12:42
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you do not get the threatened snow!
No, even with the lowdown you have given me, "John Muir" does not ring a bell!
But I hope you find a suitable book - both about him and LJB.
The "Book People" keep sending me "special offers" on an almost daily basis - perhaps they might be of use?
I was struggling with the 15 x 15 - I have done the NW corner and given up (for now at any rate!)
Maybe my brain isn't in gear, today!
And speaking of a car husband has just gone off to see our mechanic friend.
We are wondering if he might take a look at our daughter's is far outside his area but it would be good if he could do that.
At least we should get an honest opinion as to whether she should pay out money to fix her present car - or look instead for another "newer" one.
The dog is getting agitated - I am unsure whether we might have a prowler....everyone is a bit jumpy after the recent spate of burglaries./ intruders in the area.
I shall investigate.......don't worry, I am not about to open any doors!
12898 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 13:33
Hi Pigale
I found this and think they must be about 35 days old. I saw one fly in last night and it was far more developed than I expected.
They're very sleepy now!
12899 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st March 2017, 13:37
Hello, Elle!
I am very surprised you have not heard of John Muir
And it is "LBJ", and his wife was Lady Bird Johnson.
There is something very odd about your daughter's car.
You said it would not start.
The clutch was not working.
The clutch has nothing to do with a car starting.
She could be getting poor advice?
I have finished my crossword.
One parse eludes me!
I am off out for a dander.
I have to have a word with a horse!
12900 of 30765  -   Report This Post