A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A drizzly and breezy start to the day.
We may have heavier rain later.
Summer has definitely gone away again!
How about at your end?
Did you look in on the horse when you went out for your paper?
No sign of Laddie in the nest.........
Do you know if Lassie and Laddie "wintered" together?
Is that what osprey "couples" do?
I have a "free" day today....but the week will get busier as it progresses.
Now for my apple and a coffee....and a look at the crosswords.......
Hello Ros!
I don't know much about the habits of ospreys!
It has just occurred to me to wonder whether Lassie and Laddie spent the winter months together?
You haven't mentioned your Book Club for a while....how is it going?
Any worthwhile recommendations you can offer us?