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17th March 2017, 21:43


17th March 2017, 21:51
Hello, Elle!
Charlotte has a new entry in the blog.
Just for you!
12822 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2017, 22:22
Hi, Rusty!
"Hamlet" is one of the Shakespearean plays I have both read and seen!
But my memory is not as it once was!!
I have been leafing through my copy to find out who said it!
I like "smaragdine!" - it is in Chambers, too, I have just checked.
I must endeavour to bring it into a conversation!
Now...Laddie........ Yes, I have now read the updated blog.
Good news!
All we need now is "Lassie!

Hello, Chris!
Thanks for the reference!
I was sitting here with my copy of the Shakespearean plays on my knees, trying to find out who said it......
Polonius! of course!
You have saved me a lot of searching!
12823 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2017, 22:31
Hello, Elle!
Your memory seems fine to me!
I think Merriam Webster had "porraceous" for green, too.
I wonder if smaragdine has ever been dropped into a chinwag?
Wonder where "chinwag" came from?
There will be great excitement when Lassie appears!
Nice of Charlotte to update you!
12824 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th March 2017, 22:53
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, thank you Charlotte!
(maybe she has been reading our posts!)
Chambers has "porraceous" as "leek- green"!
I am learning a lot of new words today!
I've just looked up "chinwag" in Brewers to see if I could find its official origin, but to no avail.
I'm assuming that it probably comes from one's chin moving about (wagging) as one talks animatedly?
I haven't done any crosswords today!
12825 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2017, 07:42
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day so far.
I looked in on Laddie just now.
He is "tidying up" the nest in anticipation of the arrival of "herself"!
I agree with you about "chinwag".
I get a "new" word each day from Merriam Webster on Twitter.
I think yesterday's "green" words were a nod to St Patrick's Day?
I am heading off to get my paper now.
Update on Douvan.
He has a fractured pelvis, probably caused by an extravagant leap.
The treatment is box rest and he will be fine.
Glad to hear it!
12826 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2017, 08:57
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich here!
We haven't been out as yet.... it is supposed to stop raining later, so we are waiting......
We shall only take the dog for one short walk, until we find out why she is limping, so no need to rush!
I have just taken a look at Laddie.
He has brought some fresh moss to the nest.
He has good home-making instincts!
Let us hope that Lassie arrives soon.
What do you have planned for today?
12827 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2017, 09:08
Hello, Elle!
Getting dreich here, too.
I am heading out soon, for a walk.
I spotted a "new" horse in a field not too far off and am going to go and say "hello".
After that I will catch up with the sport on TV.
I have Milan-San Remo, the golf, and the curling if it is on Eurosport. And there is World Cup skiing from Colorado.
I shall be worn out!
Yes, Laddie is working away well!
I think that is the earliest arrival at the nest site, so we may have to wait for Lassie's arrival.
12828 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2017, 10:19
Hi, Rusty!
Are you home again yet?
I hope you had a good walk.
Did you make friends with the new horse?
I have been busy this morning.......
I have done the hoovering and the Hill's Hoist today, though, because of the rain!
Also I have finished the Jumbo GK and the 15 x 15.
It is strange how I always find the Saturday puzzle easier - maybe it is always the same compiler, and I am just on his / her wavelength?
Just three still to parse.......
You have a good programme of events mapped out.
I wish that I had some Sport to watch!
12829 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th March 2017, 11:48
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I met the horse (sort of).
He was unsure of me and kept his distance between us.
Maybe another day.
Rain won't trouble the Hill's Hoist!
I have completed the crossword.
I was ages trying to solve 4d.
Was convinced Gogol was in there somewhere!
Then it dawned (a very slow dawn) on me that it was one of these dreadful homonyms!
Ortho for author!
Not spoken like that in these parts!
12830 of 30765  -   Report This Post