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13th February 2017, 22:18
Hello, Elle!
Maybe you will sparkle at the crossword tomorrow!
I use Twitter, I think I have said.
I follow Rose Wild in her capacity as Archive caretaker or some such title.
And I follow The Times, too.
Their Twitter name is "The Times of London".
I never knew that!
Maybe why we get the Cockneyisms regularly?
I follow Mr Rogan, too, but he rarely tweets.
I think I will tackle the Clarence Darrow book next.
It gets good reviews.
"Utterly compelling", the Scotsman.
"Inspirational", Michael Mansfield, QC.
i hope so!
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13th February 2017, 22:57
I've just finished "The Eagle of the Ninth" which is brilliant. 1p on amazon.
Our Book Club choice is "The Mistress's Revenge", which isn't.

I haven't been able to sleep lately so have read two books in 24 hours! Just as well we still have a library, for now.
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13th February 2017, 23:22
Hello, Rosalind!
I have just ordered "The Eagle" on your recommendation!
1p from Alexthefatdawg on Amazon.
I read quite a bit about Vindolanda, and the 4th Cohort of Gaul, a year or two ago and found it very interesting.

Elle, I have given up on Clarence Darrow.
More of a love story than great courtroom drama.
Not for me!
12293 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2017, 23:34
Wow, rusty, I hope you enjoy it too.
I also just finished Susan Hill's book "Black Sheep". Never read such a bleak, unpleasant book in my life. No hope, just unremitting misery. Why write such stuff?
12294 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2017, 10:05
Good morning, Rusty!
A dullish fairly cold day, so far, although we are promised some sunshine and a slightly higher temperature later in the day.
We shall see.......
What is it like with you?
Have you been out yet for your paper?
I am sorry that you haven't taken to your book about Clarence Darrow.
You were so looking forward to reading it, too.
But you haven't really given it much of a chance?
It has good reviews and maybe once you "get into it" you would find it improves?
Wasn't there a film about a lawyer based on Clarence Darrow?
I think it starred Spencer Tracy?
I haven't seen the film, I just think I have heard of it.
Maybe persevere with the book for a few more chapters?
I shall now go have a check around the house, to see if all is in order for the family descending upon us tomorrow!
12295 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2017, 10:27
Elle, Rusty, good morning!

you may enjoy this?
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14th February 2017, 11:11
Hello, Pigale!
Thank you for the clip!
I was actually watching the event where Usain was knocked down by the cameraman!
The sun has just appeared here!
It looks like it's going to be a nice day!
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14th February 2017, 11:35
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here, but cold.
The book has gone!
It seemed to be about "thoughts" in Darrow's head, and in Mary's head.
No author can possibly know or write about what thoughts are in anyone's head.
If they do, it's a novel.
The first chapter is about Mary walking the streets of Chicago thinking about Darrow. Fiction!
And, they both betrayed their partners, and I do not like that.
To the Pribilofs with them!
It was the Leopold and Loeb trial I wanted to learn about, and the Ossian Sweet case, so I'll maybe find something about them on Amazon.
I think Spencer Tracy portrayed him, so did Henry Fonda, and Kevin Spacey.
Yes, you best have your home ready for your family arriving!
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14th February 2017, 13:28
Hi, Rusty!
Beautiful here now!
Still very cold though.
Yes, I agree...if you really cannot get on with your book, the do not waste time on it!
Time is precious!
Where has the book gone?
In the bin...or in the charity bag?
"To the Pribilofs" always makes me think of Alice in Wonderland and the Queen of Hearts saying "Off with her/ his head!"
So what are you reading instead?
Now today I have done the 15 x15......I do think it must depend on the Setter and my wavelength.........
I 've managed the parsing all bar one......
How does one get "Inners" in 12 a?
I can see how to arrive at "Hebride"!
I especially liked 1a and 1d, and 10d!
The house is cleaned and as ready as it's going to be for the "onslaught"!
12299 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th February 2017, 14:00
Hello, Elle!
Book is in the bin.
I do not take to deceitful folk, so there it will remain.
Now, I have not looked at the crossword yet, but to help you and your parse, may I suggest you open your fine copy of Chambers and look up "inner"?
The reference to archery, (if they have it!) should help you!
How are you and the Europlayer getting on?
A match made in Heaven?

Hello, Pigale!
That was an excellent clip!
Thank you!
12300 of 30765  -   Report This Post