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13th February 2017, 10:43
Good day to you, Elle!
Still cold and cloudy here.
Have a look at the loch blog for 5th February?
The first paragraph made me smile!
My main task for the day is over.
It involved phoning an "Essex girl"!
She keeps an eye on my finances.
I'll watch the skiing soon.
Chemmy got rave reports yesterday for her commentary on Sofia Goggia's run.
How Sofia got down in one piece I'll never know.
Flirted with disaster most of the way down!
So, a canny day ahead for me!
12281 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2017, 11:43
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I have looked at the blog!
Very good!
I appreciated it!
But funnily enough, for some reason, it made me wonder whether I would pronounce the word correctly, were I to speak it, as I have only ever seen it written down.......
I am not very good at following the pronunciation signs in the dictionary (I liked it in the "old days " when words were written out phonetically) so I turned to Google.
I have listened to two spoken versions of "dreich".... it was astounding how different they were!!
Youtube gave it as "drayick" - which is how I would have said it........
Whereas Collins "spoken " dictionary gave it as "dweesh"!
And Chambers in the written version says "drehh" with a squiggle over the "e".
(I cannot remember the term for the squiggle and cannot reproduce the symbol on here)
So - phonetically - how do you say it , please?
Your finances sound to be in good order!
I , on the other hand am still awaiting to hear from HMRC!
They are threatening to charge me daily !!
12282 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2017, 12:20
Hello, Elle!
A difficult question!
How to pronounce "dreich"?
The first part is easy.... drei sounds "dree",
The "ch" bit, would sound as the "ch" does,in "loch" or "pibroch".
The "ch" part is a rough, rolling, rasping, sound, not unlike clearing your throat !!
Very difficult (for me) to explain!
I had a wee look at Chambers, but I do not understand their interpretation of the pronunciation.
It is above my pay grade, as the with-it folk say!
Yes, the lady I mentioned has made suggestions which sound sensible, with the end of the tax year not too far off.
I approve of "Essex girls"!
12283 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2017, 13:29
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Ah, thank you!
I am fine with the "ch" sound, as in "loch" - remember I have Scots cousins!
It was the "drei" that gave me pause.......
I shall now go around telling everyone about the weather....!
I haven't heard the expression "above my pay-grade"......
That is new to me!
Is that akin to "the buck stops here"?
Well, we have brilliant sunshine and it is a tad warmer ( a little but not a lot, as Paul Daniels used to say) so we are going out to make the most of it!
The dog is already at the door......
Back in a bit!
12284 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2017, 14:05
Hello, Elle,
I have heard "above my pay grade" just recently, several times.
Seems to be a phrase conjured up somewhere.
Like "blue sky thinking" and "water off a dog's back" etc.
Anyhoo, I interpret it as the sayer cannot answer the question he/she has been asked, while implying others higher up in his/her particular field, may be able to.
It is still fairly cold here.
12285 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2017, 16:34
Hi, Rusty!
Home again!
It was lovely out, although much colder than I had anticipated.
There was a very biting wind.
"Blue sky thinking" is another new one on me.......
Is it similar to the "sky is the limit"?
No end to what one can do / accomplish?
I seem to be behind the times.........
Anyway, have you been watching the skiing?
Anything of interest to report?
12286 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2017, 18:25
Hello, Elle!
No, you are not behind the times!
Ahead of a lot of us who can not work a Eurosport player, and you are a dab hand at the Red Button!
(Why "dab" hand?)
Blue sky thinking is not in my dated Chambers, but could be in your up-to-date one?
It means thinking with a wide open mind, not restricted by any rules or conventions.
Possibly a near neighbour of a "blank canvas"?
***!!! Just discovered it in Brewer's!
Think Tony Blair is being blamed for it!
Not much News from the slopes, but when they are racing, Chemmy is a superb commentator.
12287 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th February 2017, 19:54
Hi, Rusty!
Well, this is interesting!
Yes, "Blue sky thinking" IS in my somewhat controversial 13th edition of Chambers - and you have the definition "spot on"!
Well done!
I also found it in my Brewers.
And whilst looking in Brewers, I searched for "dab" hand.
It gives "dab" as "creative or skilled as commonly in the phrase 'a dab hand' "
And says the word "dab" means in the sense 'touch lightly'
So there we are!
How was your crossword today?
I found the QC very easy - probably the easiest I have ever done!
But then I came a cropper over the 15 x15!
Was it terribly hard - or was it just that I found it so?
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13th February 2017, 20:41
Hello, Elle!
I found the crossword fairly straightforward.
Not sure what your difficulty is?
12a, is an Irish word, that it?
Brewer's is a great book!
I am a fan!
Just finished "A Walk for Sunshine".
Was very good especially the last few chapters as he walked into Maine.
Now, shall have to choose another book to get on with!
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13th February 2017, 21:47
Hi, Rusty!
I don't know what is was about today's crossword, I just couldn't get on with it.
Yet I finished Saturday's without a problem!
It must just be the setter's particular wavelength that either I "get" or don't, as it were!
I gave up with today's puzzle!
So what book are you thinking of reading next?
Or are you reading them in strict order of purchase?
I sometimes promise myself that I will do that....and then give in, to read what I especially "fancy" at the time!
I have just finished my present tonight I am going to watch the episode of "Casualty" that I recorded.
That will make a nice change!
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