Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I have looked at the blog!
Very good!
I appreciated it!
But funnily enough, for some reason, it made me wonder whether I would pronounce the word correctly, were I to speak it, as I have only ever seen it written down.......
I am not very good at following the pronunciation signs in the dictionary (I liked it in the "old days " when words were written out phonetically) so I turned to Google.
I have listened to two spoken versions of "dreich".... it was astounding how different they were!!
Youtube gave it as "drayick" - which is how I would have said it........
Whereas Collins "spoken " dictionary gave it as "dweesh"!
And Chambers in the written version says "drehh" with a squiggle over the "e".
(I cannot remember the term for the squiggle and cannot reproduce the symbol on here)
So - phonetically - how do you say it , please?
Your finances sound to be in good order!
I , on the other hand am still awaiting to hear from HMRC!
They are threatening to charge me daily !!