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16th February 2017, 21:11
Hello, Elle!
Yes, my son has just left.
We had the golf from California on TV in the background.
Better day here than at California!
I think you will enjoy your day out tomorrow!
Be good to meet up with your family.
I may read a bit of 3 Men later.
I have forms to fill out, and they must be filled in black ballpoint ink!
I have plenty blue pens, but not a black one.
Jenny Meadows is pace-making for Laura on Saturday.
I am looking forward to the run!
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16th February 2017, 22:24
Hi, Rusty!
This will be the Birmingham Indoor Grand Prix, on Saturday, will it not?
Yes, I am looking forward to watching it.
Is it here that Laura will attempt to break Maria Mutola's 1000m record?
Speaking of filling out forms........
My husband received an almost identical letter from the HMRC today, to that which I got last week!
We were joint owners of the property we were selling.
The HMRC does not seem to have taken note of my last letter to them!
I fear I shall need to involve our solicitor if we have much more grief from them.
Enough is enough!
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16th February 2017, 23:17
Hello, Elle!
I have found HMRC very easy to deal with if you speak to them on your telephone.
Use your "friendly but firm" voice.
Is that worth trying?
Letters going back and forth are less than ideal.
Yes, the record attempt is on Saturday at Birmingham.
It is still very mild here.
12333 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th February 2017, 08:37
Good morning, Rusty!
Well, it looks like we have a nice day for our outing!
The sun is striving hard to come out even at this early hour.
I am just waiting for my friend to come to collect the dog.
No, talking on the phone to the HMRC was never really an option, Rusty.
As paperwork was involved, it has been a case of dealing by post.
Basically, what has happened is that the HMRC are denying receiving the forms and verifying documents within the required time frame - and are trying to fine us (a considerable amount of money) for "late" delivery.
I , however, had the forethought to send all forms and documents by recorded delivery, so I do have written proof that all paperwork was sent - and received ( I have photocopies of the signed receipts) in very good time.
I have sent a letter to this effect with copies of all the appropriate "timings" etc., but so far to no avail.
Can you wonder that my patience is being sorely tried?
( If "push comes to shove", I would rather pay our solicitor to sort this out, than give an unnecessary penny to the Inland Revenue!)
Ok, rant finished!
I am looking forward to our day out!
We shall leave about 10 am.
What do you have planned for your day?
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17th February 2017, 10:17
Good morning, Elle.
HMRC's dealings with you are most unsatisfactory.
They have a "Complaints Department" who could investigate and expedite matters
You can get help by phoning a "HMRC Complaints Help Line".
Never mind, a day out with your family will take your mind off it for a wee while.
I have my "black ink" forms to complete and post.
It is a smashing day here, now the frost is lifting.
I am heading out later to cavort along the Nature Trail.
I hope your day goes well!
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17th February 2017, 18:37
Good evening, Rusty!
We have had a great day!
The Children's Festival down on Southbank was very well organised.
BB had a great time at the "Lego building" held in the Royal Festival Hall - the theme was to build London City.
It looked fantastic! and was, of course, ongoing with each batch of children adding to it.
We walked the length of Southbank later, looking at all the exhibitions etc.
There was a grand old-fashioned Carousel which was a big draw for the kids.
BB loved his ride!
And YB was fascinated by everything!
It was a long day for us....we haven't been back long....we had to collect the dog en route for home.
I shall have a lazy evening - and recover!!
Did you have a good day?
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17th February 2017, 21:05
Good evening, Elle!
You seem to have enjoyed your day out!
A bit wearying for you!
My day was fine.
Got my "black ink" forms sent off.
Had a walk then Miss O turned up on her way home from Aberdeen.
Been a fine day here. Quite mild.
Dina Asher-Smith will miss the Birmingham races.
She has broken a foot in training.
So, hard luck for her, and us, we won't have the chance to see the young lady!
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17th February 2017, 21:54
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it was a good day!
And it was mild and sunny so we were able to sit by the river........consequently it wasn't too tiring a day as we weren't on our feet all the time!
It was not as though we all had to keep on the move to keep warm!
Thank you, by the way, for the info about the HMRC complaints dept...... I hadn't thought of that approach....
I had best wait to see if there is any response to the last two letters sent, before I take a further step.
We appear to have three hours of Athletics viewing tomorrow on BBC1 - things are looking up!
Dina Asher - Smith is one of our best Athletes.
How on earth did she break her foot?
What a shame - both for her and us!
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18th February 2017, 09:57
Good morning, Elle!
A good day out you had!
It is a bit dreich up here.
I am just home from getting my paper.
Re the HMRC Help line.
Obviously there are many types of tax and departments for same.
The recorded message asks you to speak a "key phrase".
In my case i said "capital gains tax" and was instantly put through to a very helpful lady who answered my queries and offered suggestions.
Laura runs at 15.50 today.
Jenny Meadows is pacing her to 800 metres then she is (hopefully) on her own!
There was a great pic of her in the paper.
She was in her vet "scrubs" and was pictured with Scotland's largest dog.
A gigantic Great Dane which dwarfed her!
Last day of the World Skiing Champs today.
No more Tina and Jonathan! And Chemmy!
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18th February 2017, 10:48
Good morning, Rusty!
Sunny and pleasant here - not as warm as yesterday though!
We were out a little later than usual this morning, which got us involved with the Saturday Running Club!
I rather think all this schemozzle with the HMRC has gone beyond a Help Line, Rusty.
But I think you had a very good idea yesterday when you mentioned the Complaints Department.
I think it is now time for me to contact the HMRC Complaints Department direct.
All I have done so far is to reply personally to the appropriate HMRC staff member who wrote to me.
It is probably high time I made this an "official complaint", don't you think?
I think I will do so in writing , however, as I should like a written record of what is taking place.
I shall send a covering explanatory letter to the Complaints dept, together with copies of my/ and the HMRC staff 's/ previous correspondence.
That should hopefully bring forth "fruit"!
The Birmingham Athletics viewing starts on BBC1 at 1pm.
I shall look forward to watching it, especially Laura!
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