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10th February 2017, 22:41
Hi, Rusty!
All your grandchildren are doing so well at university and in their careers.
They seem to be very hard working.
That is good to hear.
It is important to do the best one can at whatever one attempts.
Our grandkids have a long way to go yet....the eldest is only nine.......but I hope that they always try their best at whatever they want to do.
And being a "good " and kind person is even more important........
It is great that your grandchildren are always on hand to help .........but then you help and support them too, so it works both ways.
That is how it should be.
You have a great relationship with them all.
How did you know there is Athletics in Poland?
What event is it?
Regarding the HMRC.......
I am finding them most UNhelpful and incredibly inefficient!
The battle lines are drawn!

12251 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th February 2017, 23:00
Hello, Elle!
I am blessed with smashing grandchildren.
All very well mannered and good fun!
They certainly do not take after me as regards education!
Miss O is doing teacher training, Uni, works in B&Q, and a shop in town.
A real grafter!
They go to gyms at 6 in the morning!
There is athletics in Torun, Northern Poland, tonight.
I read it somewhere.
I thought Eurosport may have covered it, but no.
I have had good experiences with HMRC.
Hope you find an amicable solution with them!
12252 of 30765  -   Report This Post


10th February 2017, 23:50
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, your grandchildren are great!
And it is you yourself who has helped to make them so!
You have shown your sons - and in turn your grandchildren - love and affection and installed in them by example good standards of behaviour - to show love , kindness and respect.
"Education" is not simply a question of achieving academic qualifications, but of becoming a well-adjusted, "well-rounded" human being with humane qualities.
They have learned that from you!
And now I am going to bed!
Up and out early in the morning with the dog!
I hope we don't have snow!
12253 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2017, 15:44
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We have snow!
It is falling intermittently quite heavily, but is gradually melting on the roads and pavements.
The cars were all white in the early morning!
As was/ is the grass in our garden and in the park.
How is it going your way?
I have been spending time with my neighbour, who is back in his own home just for today.
His daughter will come to collect him early evening, when she returns from her day out.
He is watching the rugby now, so is happily occupied.
I have promised to pop back in between matches!
I hope you had a good time with your grandson this morning?
12254 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2017, 16:17
Good afternoon, Elle!
No snow here today!
Very decent of you to keep your neighbour company!
That's good he likes the rugby!
My grandson is away to the football now.
He brought me a book.
"Investment ISAs for Dummies".
We had a good time!
Times 23d, is dreadful.
Just so wrong!
Homonym, my butt!
Have you tackled it yet?
12255 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2017, 17:01
Hi, Rusty!
I am just back from another bout of visiting!
I didn't stay long this time as there was a second rugby match about to start!
We were only talking about the "For Dummies" range of books the other day, weren't we?
I think they are very good!
Very clear and detailed.
Good luck with your investments!
Yes, I have "finished" the 15 x15 but still have eight to parse.
I didn't know how to pronounce "Taiga " anyway!
I had to google the pronunciation!
I cannot see how "a" can sound like "er" though?
Unless one is to go around saying "tiga" for the animal?
I rather liked 17A .
12256 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2017, 17:16
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the "Dummies" books are excellent, in my view.
I think it was only two weeks ago, there was a programme on National Geographic Wild, about Siberian tigers, some of whom live on the taiga.
And I assure you, the American commentators pronounced taiga and tiger differently!
And I certainly do.
17a is good, yes.
Is it a sort of goat, kind of creature?
I liked 5a.
I had 24d wrong for a long time.
I had "Ode r", then realised when I could not get the crossers, that the Oder was not in Eurasia.
I do not think so, anyway!
12257 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2017, 18:01
Hi, Rusty!
I think the vicuna is a relative of the llama?
I got URL for address so managed 24d all right.
I had trouble with "leisure centre" though for a while, in 22a, until I realised "new" meant "recent".
Were you watching the "Nitro" athletics"?
I guess they are ok for a bit of fun...but I prefer the more 'orthodox' style!
And it was very odd when they raced men against women in the same relay leg!
Did you see that?
I think my visiting stints are over now....I must go and wash my hair.......
12258 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2017, 20:57
Hello, Elle!
I thought "ode" for address, in my wrong answer.
No Nitro up here.
BBC Scotland put a football game on instead.
My grandson wanted to watch that.
How did your neighbour cope with your visits?
Did you make him coffee?
12259 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th February 2017, 21:52
Hi, Rusty!
I wonder why you didn't get the Nitro Athletics?
Because you had Day One , didn't you?
I don't think you really missed anything.
Day Three is tomorrow - only an hour's viewing though.
This evening I have been watching "The Voice" - and have recorded "Casualty" (which clashed with it) for another time.
My neighbour and I had a great time chatting!
He had a lot to tell me!
Now.......back to this pesky crossword........
How do you parse 26a?
I have "chorister" as my answer.
I was expecting "500" to signify a "D"?
12260 of 30765  -   Report This Post