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8th February 2017, 22:08
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I did get time to watch about half the athletics programme this afternoon.
It was very good.
I have only just done the Times QC.
Mr R was on form... a homophone (although a reasonable one) plus a cockney rhyming slang.
I shall include the latter in case you can do it.........
9A: Stranger beginning to nibble on a pork pie (5)
I made a start on the 15 x 15 at the dentist's - she provides The Times for her patrons! but wasn't there long enough to make great inroads.
I shan't try to finish it now - my brain is too tired!!!!!
What's the latest on going to "La, La Land"?
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8th February 2017, 23:36
Hello, Elle!
9, A lie n.
"La La Land" update.
Miss O and me have decided that we shall wait to watch it at home on a DVD.
(i do not have a DVD player). Wonder if they are costly and/or easy to set up?
I am not designed for sitting quietly for very long at cinemas, and she agrees!
She is back at Uni tomorrow.
My friend over the water's daughter was at La La Land on Tuesday and I shall ask her to see what like.
Glad you got the athletics.
I am going to have a wee punt on the Women's Downhill on Sunday!
Probably on Lara Gut.
No Times at my dentist!
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9th February 2017, 10:00
Good morning, Rusty!
Brrrh! Bitterly cold here!
No frost or freezing fog, but we have had a few isolated snow flakes!
What is it like up your way?
Watching a DVD of "La La Land" sounds like a very good idea , given that you don't like sitting still watching films for long periods!
A DVD player isn't expensive - you can get one for between £20 and £40.
And the DVD itself will probably cost you £9-99 if you buy it from Amazon.
You should be able to pre-order it and they will send it to you on the release date.
All in all, I doubt it will work out much dearer than a trip to the cinema for you all!
(and you could then indulge yourself by watching old films of Maureen O'Hara!)
It is easy to set up and use - even I can manage it!
I hope this weather improves....I am going out for lunch later ("Ladies Who Lunch" day!)
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9th February 2017, 14:54
Good afternoon, Elle!
Been doing a lot of tasks here!
And several phone calls.
Amazing where the time goes!
Yes, Miss O is quite keen on the DVD idea.
That is what we will do.
It is fairly cold here but there is cloud cover, which I think helps to keep the cold away.
Hope you enjoy lunch!
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9th February 2017, 16:28
Hi, Rusty!
I am home again! and very glad to be so!
It is arctic out!!
We are having what the BBC fondly describes as "wintry showers" - flakes of snow interspersed with some drops of rain!
I am definitely in for the rest of the day and night!
Yes , lunch was good, thank you - I actually had a "veggie breakfast"!
I did the Times QC and over half of the 15 x 15 before going out....
The latter seems easier than usual today?
So far, I especially liked 9a,15a, and 17a
I shall endeavour to finish it now.......
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9th February 2017, 21:27
Hello, Elle!
I have not opened my paper today, much less looked at a crossword!
It is quite cold here but no far!
Had a busy day doing "stuff"!
Two sons visited, so a lot of talking!
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9th February 2017, 22:16
Hi, Rusty!
That was nice, both sons visiting you!
No wonder there was a lot of talking!
Do your sons get to spend much individual time with each other?
Often immediate family life takes up so much time that there isn't always time for one's siblings.
I know my lot only tend to get together when they all come here.
That is why I like to plan "meet-ups"!
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9th February 2017, 23:50
Hello, Elle!
No, they were here separately.
Just as well, they each have quite a bit to say!
I saw Jonathan and Tina in the studio this mornng.
Tina just has until Sunday as World Champion, then there will be a new one.
Tina's reign will be over.
I read that Laura Muir is running 1000 metres at Birmingham next week.
And...she is thinking about a world record!
It is held by Maria Mutola.
Hope it is televised!
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10th February 2017, 10:38
Good morning, Rusty!
A wet and cold morning here!
We have just about everything!
It is foggy with slight snow and rain showers! - and icy cold!
I am home now and not likely to go out again till the afternoon dog walk!
I think I shall take a look at the crossword, whilst I am drinking a piping hot Americano coffee to warm me up!
What is your weather like?
I read this morning that parts of Scotland can expect a temperature of -10C!
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10th February 2017, 11:17
Good morning, Elle!
Woke up to snow and it has been on and off since.
Just have about an inch lying.
It is a lovely day apart from snow!
We had an alert in the local paper warning us that the temperature could drop to minus 10 in the next few days.
Hope not.
Several years ago we had a cold spell of minus 12 that I remember.
Buildings etc were damaged, buses off etc.
Lasted for weeks.
Not nice, at all!
I did not do crossword yesterday. Too busy.
Just watching the skiing today.
Watched the "Jonathan and Tina" show earlier.
He has learned a lot about the skiing.
I am impressed!
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