Hi, Rusty!
Thank you...I am sure I shall be fine!
I am already feeling better than I was earlier this morning.
The dog is the loser here, as she has had to do without her walks.......she will not go with my husband.
But she has been out running in the garden ...so she will be okay!
Hopefully , it will be "business as usual" tomorrow!
And there is a "plus".....I shall be here to watch the "Nitro Athletics" at 2.45 pm!
Yes, I think the EuroSport transmission of Laura's race was fine - to be honest, I didn't really think about that when I was watching it, though.
But I guess that means it passed muster?
Are you watching the "Nitro" sports later, on the BBC?
Or have you already seen them on EuroSport?
I have finished the "Everyman" - quite a nice one today.
Only one slowed me up with the parsing.
But even that is done now.