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1st January 2017, 20:49
Hi, Rusty!
You will have to tell Lidls that you put their pieces of coal to good use!
I wonder if branches down here gave out lumps of coal?
I think it an excellent idea, though!
I was impressed with our granddaughter's care of her young (half) brother!
The baby is two and a half months old and she will be seven years old this month....but she is really adept at looking after him, bless her.
It is good to see.
I finally finished watching "The Blind Side" this evening.
I think I said that this film , too, is based on a true story? although I haven't read the book and, to be honest, chose to watch the film because I like Sandra Bullock and find that films in which she stars tend to be good.
She played a compassionate, strong - minded American mum.
My daughter wants us to hit the Sales tomorrow...... I suspect I blanched at the thought!
Instead, she is coming over here lunchtime with the children, leaving her husband in peace to do some marking before school recommences on Wednesday!
(And anyway, I promised the dog a long walk in the morning to make up for today!)
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1st January 2017, 21:31
Hello, Elle!
Yes, "84" was very good, I thought.
Very good of your granddaughter looking after her wee brother!
I would avoid the sales!
Good to spend time with your daughter, though.
The temperature is dropping here.
A cold night outside.
I do not think our schools go back as soon as Wednesday.
I hope not.
I have an invite for Wed morning and presumed my youngest granddaughter would be there!
Your wet weather will be a good test of your welly repair?
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1st January 2017, 22:11
Hi, Rusty!
I have been talking to my cousin!
It was her turn to ring and she didn't do so until 9 o'clock as she had only just returned home from her daughter's.
They are all well and have had a good Christmas and New Year.
How old is your youngest granddaughter now? I find it hard to keep track.
Yes, it would be nice if she were there when you visit on Wednesday.
I think there is quite often a variation between our school term dates and yours, so she may well be.
It is still raining here!
I most probably will need wellies tomorrow - the fields will be a morass!
( Touch wood! the welly repair seems to be holding out!)
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1st January 2017, 22:30
Hello, Elle!
Good you heard from your cousin!
And she and hers are fine! Excellent!
My youngest granddaughter is 10, I think.
I am not good with ages!
It was her Mum who invited me so I imagine the young one will be there too.
That's good your welly repair is holding out!
Much cheaper than new ones!
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2nd January 2017, 10:10
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely, extremely cold and frosty day!
Somewhat treacherous under foot!
I had an enjoyable walk, but am glad to be home and drinking piping hot coffee.
If Miss O'Hara is 10, and your school system is like ours , then she will have been considering the choice of secondary schools?
My cousin's two grandchildren have been doing this.
I am not sure how it works in Scotland?
I now have a morning in which to relax!
And then, after lunch, my daughter and BB and YB are coming!
What are you up to today?
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2nd January 2017, 10:21
Good morning, Elle,
We have the same weather!
Hard frost and blue skies...very pleasant.
I think, up here, the young ones go to the nearest suitable school.
I could be wrong, but that appears to be the way of it.
Your system seems to be the same as in Norn Iron.
I know they have to apply for schools over there.
I was out driving earlier and had the roads to myself, almost!
Looking for a paper but many shops not opening until later, if at all, today.
Anyway , I found a wee shop that sold me milk and my paper, so all is well in my world!
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2nd January 2017, 11:27
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you have a lovely day, too!
Great to be out and about!
I have received five(!) crosswords from John today....and the printer is doing fine!
I decided for a change to do the 15x15 first.
It must be easier today as I have finished it!
Excepting parsing for 7d?
A Hebrew beer and where to get it? (5)
I've got "aleph" as this is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
ale- beer
but the "ph"?
Have you done yours yet?
There is also a Jumbo GK today - it must be a special for the Bank holiday?
Maybe more coffee is needed for brain stimulation........
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2nd January 2017, 11:49
Elle, PH is just the sign on OS maps for Public House. It's been used a few times in crosswords.
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2nd January 2017, 12:02
Happy New Year, Malone!
Thank you for that. I had no idea!
I hadn't got beyond litmus paper...........
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2nd January 2017, 12:08
Elle, happy 2017 to you too (and to everyone else on this thread, on this site).

I thought of you when I was doing today's crossword, when I filled in 20 Across...
General hitch dogs woman of the night (3,5).

I also thought of Rusty at 11 Across...
Playwright born an American Indian (7).

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