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31st December 2016, 18:43
Hi, Rusty!
I am very sorry I have taken so long to reply......we have had a visitor!
"Afternoon tea" is a "ritual"..... when served in one of these fine hotels for instance , the focus is indeed on the beverage!
You would not credit the range of teas (types of tea) that you would be offered!
20 to 30 brands !
You make your choice which (brand of ) tea you wish to drink and then the selection of food is proffered once the beverage is arranged.
This was a good few years ago now, mind you, so my memory is a bit hazy!
And then of course, I personally do not drink tea!
However, I shall be able to give you an updated version in the forthcoming weeks, as our son is treating us to "afternoon tea " at Claridges Hotel as his Christmas present to us!
There will be a choice of 24 blends of tea!
(I hope the staff are as obliging with the choice of coffee!)
"84 Charing Cross Road"?
Didn't that end up in your bin or some such fate?
I hope you enjoy the film though!
I have recorded "The Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock (I like her) and I have heard that this is a good film.
We shall see! I intend to watch it after dinner.

Hello, Ros!
Quoted for such occasions as afternoon tea......
"Dress Code: Elegant smart casual; no shorts, vests, sportswear, flip flops, ripped jeans or baseball caps." !
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31st December 2016, 18:51
Hello, Elle!
Tea may very well be the beverage but how does that help us with "Ti" in Timothy, pray tell?
I wondered about pink gins for a moment!
I hope you enjoy your tea at Claridges, (I have heard if it, too)
Yes, "84" got slung!
But the film seems very watchable and I would love to have had a browse around the shop.
And Anthony Hopkins is a very fine actor.
Have you heard of him?
I like Sandra Bullock too.
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31st December 2016, 19:30
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear, I cannot remember the clue now for producing a boy's name?
Other than had it indeed been five letters as I had mistakenly thought.......I solved it very nicely with "Trent," don't you think?
My answer for five letters was much better then the compiler's for seven, if it be "Timothy"!
(So where do the pink gins come in.........are you sure you haven't been imbibing them?!)
Yes, I like Anthony Hopkins.
The last film in which I saw him was "Fracture".
My younger daughter and I actually went to the cinema. I haven't done that in a long time!
It was a very convoluted plot........had us on the edge of our seats!
Did you see it by any chance? I think it has been on the television.
I shall report back on Sandra Bullock.......
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31st December 2016, 19:57
Hello, Elle!
Do folk not drink pink gins when the sun is over the yardarm ....or something?
Or, is that a sundowner?
I have never came across a Trent, or a Timothy, come to that!
I very rarely watch a film, unless it stars Maureen O'Hara, or a wee pig.
I have just watched the last twenty minutes of a football match.
Liverpool v Manchester City.
I like Liverpool's manager, Jurgen Klopp.
Seems a very nice lad.
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31st December 2016, 20:55
Hi, Rusty!
I am enjoying my film.
Sandra Bullock is excellent as usual.
It is based on a true story.
I must look it up on Amazon, and see whether I fancy reading it.
At present, I am reading one of the books I got for Christmas.
"Crossing" by Michael Connelly.
It is a bit of light relief for a change.
What time do you expect your first footers?
Did your granddaughters say what time they and their friends would be coming?
You will be having a very late night.......or rather, very early morning!
Now back to "The Blind Side" ........
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31st December 2016, 22:11
Hello, Elle!
I have encouraged them to call tomorrow.
I will play it by ear.
If I get a first foot at the bells, then fine, if not I'll likely retire around 1.
No White Heather Club to watch anymore, or Andy Stewart!
I think Judy Murray is taking part in a programme up here.
I have texted to Miss La Bamba, but no reply.
No reply from Gay Paree either!
The first footing tradition is dying out up here.
Not sure if there is anything "on" down town tonight.
I shall watch for the rockets going up at 12 though, to see the Old Year out, and welcome the New Year in!
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31st December 2016, 22:48
I think texts get very delayed with all the traffic, rusty.
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31st December 2016, 22:51
Hey, Rusty!
That sounds like a good idea! if they are coming then surely they would be with you soon after 12? or definitely before one?
You would probably enjoy their company more, later in the day tomorrow, anyway?
I think we complain about missing Andy Stewart every year...!
But it is very true...he was the essence of New Year's Eve , once we got older and no longer painted the town red ourselves!
My cousin would dress up in his kilt and go first-footing........along with his piece of coal!
We usually hang on just till after midnight - just so as to see out the "Old" and ring in the "New"!
Although I am already having trouble staying awake....I am only writing this thanks to the dog awakening me!
She was frightened by the noise of local fireworks!
I have still to conclude watching my film........
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31st December 2016, 23:26
Hello, Rosalind!
Yes, I agree with you.
The mobile networks will be overloaded heading into New Year.

Hello, Elle!
I have heard from Miss O in Paris.
She is having a good time.
La Bamba has just texted.
She will visit tomorrow.
My Norn Iron friends have texted from Lanzarote.
It is New Year there already, they say.
I am expecting a few from Donegal, too.
I was a big fan of Andy's.
I think everyone liked him.
He has been dead a long time now.
I have a few lumps of coal here.
They were giving them away at LIDL's.
11599 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st December 2016, 23:32


France is already in 2017!
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