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2nd January 2017, 21:05
It looks like funny French beans pigale and just tastes salty to me. There are two kinds but we tend to eat marsh samphire. Probably easier to pick than the cliff variety!
For centuries it was eaten near where I grew up, on the edges of the Dee Estuary.
11641 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2017, 22:07
Hi, Rusty!
I have finally taken breath...our phone has been busy ringing on and off all evening.......
We are down to -1C and already everywhere has turned white with frost.
All the cars are completely covered and the grass is already hard and rigid.
I have just been in the garden with the dog.
We are obviously in for a very cold spell.
It was bad enough this morning........the lake in the park was frozen.
And one of the dog walkers had a nasty fall, so I have since been told.
The paths were certainly treacherous.
I hope it isn't as bad with you?
I dread going out when it is like this.
11642 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2017, 08:45
Good Morning Rosalind,

Sorry I did not reply last night - I got involved in watching (DVD)
'Monarch of the Glen' ! (well part of)

I googled Samphire and after seeing a picture, it is not at all what I thought it might be - to me, it looks very much like small asparagus!
I mentioned fennel because it goes well with fish, and as I have some growing wild in my garden, I cook a lot with it - it smells like aniseed, so might not be to everyone's taste, though it only gives taste to the dish but the actual scent disappears once cooked.

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3rd January 2017, 08:51
Wild fennel, pigale! How amazing. I see what you mean about looking like asparagus, which is the only vegetable I do grow!
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3rd January 2017, 15:36
Hi, Rusty!
Just a brief check to ask if you are ok?
I am just back home, and see that there has been no word from you since yesterday afternoon, which is unusual.
No problem if you are very busy......but a word to say whether all is well would be appreciated!
11645 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2017, 16:07
Hi old friends!
It is so long since I have been on this forum but I recognise all the names on this page. Is jazzgirl still around? We now have to have Carers coming in I hour morning, noon & evening. It's no fun getting old with spinal problems ..... But with a New Year lets hope it all improves! We hope you have all had enjoyable times celebrating Christmas & New Year! ( Have you ever played charades with a 6 year old??! It's quite challenging!!)
Wishing you all many blessings in 2017!
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3rd January 2017, 16:11
Hi redcoral
Great to hear from you again - best wishes for the new year.

Yes, jazzgirl is still active on the Forum.
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3rd January 2017, 16:23
Hi, Redcoral!
It is good to hear from you.
A friend wrote to me saying "Growing old is not for wimps"!
I thought you would appreciate that!
I hadn't thought of playing "Charades" with the grandkidsI
What a good idea - I shall try it out.
Happy New Year to you both! Keep in touch .
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3rd January 2017, 17:53
Hi redcoral
A little bird told me you had posted.
Good to see you. Take care and best wishes to you and Johnny :) jg
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3rd January 2017, 17:58
@Elle re your post 11645, he checked in to "the other forum" at 1428 hrs today (so I am told) so all is well.
11650 of 30765  -   Report This Post